Showing 191 - 200 of 202
We reexamine hedge fund preferences for stock characteristics using aggregate quarterly hedge fund holdings and a large set of firm characteristics. We find that the expanded set of firm characteristics is important in explaining variation in quarterly hedge fund holdings. Consistent with prior...
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We study the dynamic relation between aggregate mutual fund flow and market-wide volatility. Using daily flow data and a VAR approach, we find that market volatility is negatively related to concurrent and lagged flow. A structural VAR impulse response analysis suggests that shock in flow has a...
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We investigate an important question for institutional investors — namely, which hedge fund investing styles help to hedge against bad times? We define good versus bad times as (1) up and down equity market regimes derived from the 200-day moving average of the S&P 500 price index or (2)...
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Using a new dataset of hedge fund returns from separate accounts on the Lyxor platform, we examine the costs and advantages of the greater liquidity of the Lyxor platform verses those of the associated main hedge funds. Lyxor accounts are traded pari passu with the main fund but provide superior...
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Institutional ownership affects the sensitivity of stock returns to changes in market liquidity (liquidity risk). Overall, institutional ownership lowers the liquidity risk of stocks. However, different types of institutions affect liquidity risk in opposite ways. Stocks held by hedge funds,...
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We explore a new dimension of fund managers' timing ability by examining whether they can time market liquidity through adjusting their portfolios' market exposure as aggregate liquidity conditions change. Using a large sample of hedge funds, we find strong evidence of liquidity timing. A...
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In this paper, we investigate the impact of market sentiment on cryptocurrency returns. To accomplish this, we use a novel dataset that captures a multitude of attitudes, moods, and emotions extracted from a vast amount of news and social media content. Our findings indicate that social media...
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Using the industry benchmark CreditGrades model to analyze credit default swap (CDS) spreads across a large number of companies during the 2007-09 credit crisis, the authors demonstrate that the performance of the model can be significantly improved by calibrating it with option-implied...
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This study examines the liquidity characteristics of market anomalies and how liquidity affects institutional trading on those anomalies. We find that long-short portfolios based on market anomalies have pervasive liquidity exposures. For long-horizon anomalies, the long legs of the portfolios...
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Probabilistic forecasts play a significant role in a wide variety of economics activities. However, established econometric modeling approaches for probabilistic forecasts may yield unsatisfactory forecasting performance due to model misspecification. In my dissertation, I try to minimize such a...
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