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We document that intraday currency returns display systematic reversals around the major benchmark fixings, characterized by an appreciation of the U.S. dollar pre-fix and a depreciation post-fix. We propose an explanation based on constrained intermediation by foreign exchange dealers....
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This paper documents a new stylised fact in foreign exchange markets: intraday currency returns display prolonged reversals around the major benchmark fixings, characterised by an appreciation of the U.S. dollar pre-fixing and a depreciation thereafter. Tracing returns around the clock, the...
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We provide a novel daily decomposition of the real exchange rate that exploits a direct link between bond and foreign exchange (FX) markets. Real exchange rate dynamics can be attributed to changes in the expected future level of the exchange rate; cross-country differentials of expected...
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We construct a new class of hybrid exchange rate models, combining macroeconomic fundamentals from a conventional Taylor rule with information from the foreign exchange interdealer market. We provide evidence that hybrid models have a superior model fit and produce more accurate in-sample...
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Using a large and representative dataset of commodity trading advisors (CTAs), we provide compelling evidence that CTAs generate significant net excess returns of at least 4.1% annually; that approximately 64% of the funds have positively skewed returns; and that there is considerable...
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