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We set up a sequential merger game to study a firm's incentives to pass up on an opportunity to merge with another firm …. We find that such incentives may exist when there are efficiency gains from a merger, firms are of different sizes, there …
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a merger among them. We show that when manufacturers distribute their products through multi-product retailers, a … manufacturers merger, although it leads to an increase in the wholesale prices, it can enhance product variety. The merger generated … products to consumers, a merger never results into more product variety. Still, both in the presence and in the absence of …
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This paper analyzes firms' choice between a merger and a strategic alliance in bundling their product with other … merger because, internalizing the complementarity between the two products, a merged firm is inclined to pursue aggressive … pricing to gain market share. Yet, firms may be motivated to choose a merger over an alliance because of foreclosure …
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I set up an endogenous merger model in which, whenever fi rms agree to join in a coalition, the new entity acquires the … leadership in a symmetric Cournot oligopoly. I first explore the case of a single merger and show that, despite being such merger … coalition or an n - 1-fi rm coalition. I then allow for multiple coalitions and show that merger waves often occur as a fi rms …
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discuss how mergers affect competing media platforms’ choice of genre. In the third part, we discuss how to take on merger … control in two-sided media markets. Motivated by some actual merger cases, we also discuss how antitrust authorities might err …
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Coors and Miller merger, which is consistent with models of coordinated pricing that predict lower equilibrium prices during …
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would offset the incentive to increase price created by a merger. The formula depends only on pre-merger information on … slopes -- and thus allow calibration of parameterized demand and cost curves -- from pre-merger data. While the Cournot model … the assumption of interchangeability, in particular greater consistency with pre-merger data and greater scope for …
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a merger among them. We show that when manufacturers distribute their products through multi-product retailers, a … manufacturers merger, although it leads to an increase in the wholesale prices, it can enhance product variety. The merger generated … products to consumers, a merger never results into more product variety. Still, both in the presence and in the absence of …
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merger. We include model-based, merger-specific cost efficiencies in a tractable manner and extend the standard UPP … gains in prediction of post-merger prices, and there are substantial gains in merger screening accuracy as well. Moreover …
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On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the 2010 U.S. Horizontal Merger Guidelines, this article provides an … experience with merger enforcement in Europe, we discuss both static and dynamic competition, with a special emphasis on the …
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