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Recent high correlations among hedge fund returns could suggest concentrations of risk comparable to those preceding the hedge fund crisis of 1998. A comparison of the current rise in correlations with the elevation before the 1998 event, however, reveals a key difference. The current increase...
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Indonesian Abstract: Dividen yang diperoleh merupakan salah satu alasan investor untuk menanamkan dananya pada suatu perusahaan. Dividen merupakan kebijakan yang penting dalam perusahaan karena menyangkut pemegang saham yang notabene merupakan sumber modal dari perusahaan tersebut. Investor...
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In almost every area of empirical finance, researchers are confronted with multiple tests. One high profile example is the identification of investment managers that outperform. Many beat their benchmarks purely by luck. Multiple testing methods are designed to control for luck. Factor selection...
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When "confidence" is lost, "liquidity dries up." We investigate the meaning of "confidence" and "liquidity" in the context of the current financial crisis. The financial crisis is a manifestation of an age-old problem with private money creation, banking panics. We explain this and provide some...
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This paper analyzes the interaction between corporate taxes and corporate governance. We show that the characteristics of a taxation system affect the extraction of private benefits by company insiders. A higher tax rate increases the amount of income insiders divert and thus worsens governance...
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Stock prices are more informative when the information has less social value. Speculators with limited resources making costly (private) information production decisions must decide to produce information about some firms and not others. We show that producing and trading on private information...
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The recent as well as precedent market crashes has increased a number of already existing biases when estimating a forward looking cost of capital for company’s stakeholders. With cost of capital being essential in corporate valuation and decision making the following paper analyzes the...
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This paper examines relationships between theory of financial risk and size. Based on the work of Makridakis / Taleb [2009] and Taleb / Tapiero [2009], presents the problems of excessive risk and imbalances caused by the size of firms. Markets mixed on firm growth traps externalities can...
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Developments in the financial sector have led to an expansion in its ability to spread risks. The increase in the risk bearing capacity of economies, as well as in actual risk taking, has led to a range of financial transactions that hitherto were not possible, and has created much greater...
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This paper examines the link between liquidity constraints and investment behaviour on the one hand, and firm size on the other for a large sample of German firms over the time period 1968-85. The results indicate that smaller firms tend to have investment functions which are more sensitive to...
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