Showing 32,791 - 32,800 of 33,028
Food security is an important social objective and relying on international food markets to meet the needs of Indonesia's growing population is precarious. The policy of restricting food imports through tariffs or quantitative restrictions promotes the goal of food self-sufficiency, but does so...
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We review the literature on the relationship between agricultural trade policy reform and poverty, and the results of recent detailed simulation studies applied to economies in the ESCAP region. We then use the GTAP model to evaluate the possible impacts of the most recently proposed modality...
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We extend the trade restrictiveness indices (TRIs) approach to the case of market failures and domestic regulations addressing them, in presence of arbitrary tariffs and other domestic price policy distortions. We focus on standard-like non-tariff measures (NTMs) affecting cost of production and...
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Die Verhandlungen zwischen den USA und der EU über das Transatlantische Freihandels- und Investitionsabkommen (TTIP) sind in den letzten Monaten in das öffentliche Interesse gerückt. Umstritten ist vor allem das vorgesehene Investitionskapitel, das neben der Investitionsliberalisierung...
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With rapid technological change has come a blurring of boundaries between personal and workplace space. Employers are challenged to develop guidelines and policies to direct the appropriate use of technology to maintain a civil workplace. Because of the lack of shared understanding, or even...
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The authors compare the European Community's "trade fundamentals" prevailing in the 1960s with those applying in Arab countries today. The fundamentals differ significantly-Arab countries trade much less with each other than EC members did, and the importance of such trade in GDP varies greatly....
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Dünya Ticaret Örgütü kapsamında gerçekleştirilen çok taraflı ticaret müzakerelerinin hedeflendiği şekilde sonuçlandırılamamasının sonucu olarak birçok ülkenin serbest ticaret anlaşmalarına yöneldiği görülmektedir. Bu kapsamda, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Avustralya,...
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This paper analyzes the effects of increased competition resulting from the creation of the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) on productivity, employment and wages for the Uruguayan manufacturing sector at the plant level. We use impact evaluation techniques –which are not common in trade...
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In this work we analyse the links between exports and its destination to high income countries on the demand for skilled labour. The theoretical literature argues that exporting to high-income countries leads to quality upgrading that is skill intensive, and which requires additional skill...
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A napjainkban zajló információs forradalom számos stabilnak hitt összefüggést felborít. A ,,szérianagyság", amelyet sok évtizeden keresztül a gazdaságos termelés kulcsaként tartottak számon, sok esetben szinte nem is értelmezhető, hisz a termékek egyre nagyobb hányada ma már...
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