Showing 91 - 100 of 452
We integrate liquidity risk measured by the weighted spread into a Value-at-Risk (VaR) framework. The weighted spread measure extracts liquidity costs by order size from the limit order book. We show that it is precise from a risk perspective in a wide range of clearly defined situations.Using a...
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Liquidity, the ease of trading an asset, strongly varies between different sizes of stockpositions. We analyze this aspect using the Xetra Liquidity Measure (XLM), whichcalculates daily, weighted spread for impatient traders transacting against the limitorder book. For this measure, we have data...
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This paper examines the impact of SOX on the total cost and the component cost of going public. First, we document a statistically significant increase in non-underwriting expenses of 0.8 percentage points after the introduction of SOX, which is mostly due to an increase in accounting and legal...
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Private equity funds and hedge funds are both alternative asset classes that are continuouslygrowing in importance. Although they have different focuses, they share some characteristics.First of all, both have or allegedly have a significant impact on the economy as well as thefinancial system...
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In January 2010 the Deutsche Börse Group introduced two family firm stock indices. Both indices are calculatedas price and performance indices and extend the number of investment strategy indices of Deutsche BörseGroup. The DAXplus Family is an all-share index whereas the DAXplus Family 30...
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paper analyzes the impact of model complexity on the valuation of project financed investments along two dimensions: The NPV distribution and the expected default probability of the project. Model complexity is separated in forecast and simulation complexity. Thereby, we aim to identify elements...
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Around the world (with the U.S. and U.K. as exceptions) concentrated ownershipstructures and controlling shareholders are predominant even among listed firms. We providenovel empirical evidence how such controlling shareholders, in particular founding families,affect payout policy decisions....
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In dem hier vorgelegten Beitrag wurden die durch eine Nennwertumstellung verursachten Kursreaktionen untersucht. Auf der Grundlage theoretischer Überlegungen wurde zunächst angeregt, sich bei der Erklärung dieser Kursreaktionen auf ein Kursprozeß-Liquiditäts-Modell zu stützen....
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Studies show the inconclusive results regarding the relation between corporate social and environmental responsibility (CSR and CER) and expected returns. We argue that the reason for these mixed results is that the sustainability premium (i.e., the return difference of high-intensity minus...
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