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using a novel plant-level dataset from Taiwan (1992-2004), that new product introductions are a key contributor to increases in plant-level factor productivity. We then formulate and calibrate a span-of-control model of product choice and firm dynamics in which new products embody the frontier...
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A pervasive prediction of business cycle models is that investment by firms in durable goods (capital, inventories) is highly sensitive to fluctuations in real interest rates (Thomas 2002, House 2007, Kryvtsov and Midrigan 2008). This prediction stands in sharp contrast with the data: investment...
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A large body of empirical work documents that specialized asset markets (e.g. stocks, bonds, derivatives) seem to be segmented: local asset prices are driven in part by local factors such as local demand or local changes in idiosyncratic risk. The goal of this paper is to study the aggregate...
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from the National Income and Product Accounts to evaluate the quantitative success of the model relative to a single-good benchmark.
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This paper develops a method for solving for the dynamic general equilibrium of a deterministic continuous time overlapping generations model with a finite-horizon life-cycle. The model has isoelastic preferences and allows for general assumptions about individual endowments and demographics....
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We examine the responses of prices and inflation to monetary shocks in an inventory-theoretic model of money demand. We show that the price level responds sluggishly to an exogenous increase in the money stock because the dynamics of households' money inventories leads to a partially offsetting...
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