Showing 111 - 120 of 66,638
Recursive marginal quantization (RMQ) allows the construction of optimal discrete grids for approximating solutions to stochastic differential equations in d-dimensions. Product Markovian quantization (PMQ) reduces this problem to d one-dimensional quantization problems by recursively...
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This paper provides a simple way to obtain an option-implied asset volatility surface. The proposed estimation technique allows to estimate the unobservable asset volatility surface in the same fashion of what is done when equity volatility is extracted from options. Given a sample of 66 US...
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We present a novel and flexible technique for the construction of tractable, and fully arbitrage-free, Local-Stochastic Volatility (LSV) term distribution models. The method utilizes Lamperti's harmonic transform to combine a pure stochastic volatility (SV) process MT with a general local...
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We analyze model risk for the pricing of barrier options. In contrast to existing literature, this paper is based on an empirical data set of over 40,000 bonus certificates to analyze the real market extent of model risk for traded barrier options instead of purely synthetic options. For this...
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The stochastic alpha beta rho (SABR) model introduced by Hagan et al. (2002) is widely used in both fixed income and the foreign exchange (FX) markets. Continuously monitored barrier option contracts are among the most popular derivative contracts in the FX markets. In this paper, we develop...
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This is a preprint of the chapter "Supercomputers" in the forthcoming book "High-Performance Computing in Finance: Problems, Methods, and Solutions", M.A.H. Dempster, J. Kanniainen, J. Keane, and E. Vynckier (Eds), Chapman and Hall/CRC, London, 2017. The chapter discusses the use of...
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The credit valuation adjustment (CVA) of OTC derivatives is an important part of the Basel III credit risk capital requirements and current accounting rules. Its calculation is not an easy task - not only it is necessary to model the future value of the derivative, but also the probability of...
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In this paper we consider the problem of hedging an arithmetic Asian option with discrete monitoring in an exponential Lévy model by deriving backward recursive integrals for the price sensitivities of the option. The procedure is applied to the analysis of the performance of the delta and...
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This paper proposes an integrated pricing framework for convertible bonds, which comprises firm value evolving as an exponential jump diffusion, correlated stochastic interest rates movements and an efficient numerical pricing scheme. By construction, the proposed stochastic model fits in the...
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In this article, the Universal Approximation Theorem of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) is applied to the SABR stochastic volatility model in order to construct highly efficient representations. Initially, the SABR approximation of Hagan et al. [2002] is considered, then a more accurate...
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