Showing 81 - 90 of 49,129
Americans are rapidly losing their pensions — replaced by savings plans disguised as retirement plans.Many sponsors view defined contribution (DC) plans as the best option for retaining some of the features of a pension plan without bearing all of the costs and risks of DB. This paper explores...
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We analyze the rationale for the pay-as-you-go (paygo) pension system existence on diversi fication grounds. A continuous-time portfolio choice setting is built, basing on Merton (1971)´s analysis, where a reasonable balance between the taking account of the economic and fi nancial facets of...
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We investigate the real effects of mandatory climate-related disclosure by financialinstitutions on the funding of carbon-intensive industries. Our impact metric is the amountinvested into securities, bonds and stocks, issued by fossil fuel companies. A French law,which came into force in...
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This study investigates whether cryptocurrencies can be considered a viable addition to pension funds. Using the regulatory setting of Switzerland, it is assessed whether crypto components added to a standard pension fund portfolio has positive effects on the fund’s risk and return figures....
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We document a large and heterogeneous shift by public pensions into alternative investments (hedge funds, private equity, and real estate) since 2006. Interpreting the data through the lens of the two-fund separation theorem we find that pensions' attitude towards taking risk cannot account for...
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This paper examines the optimal allocation of risk across generations whose savings mix is subject to illiquidity in the form of uncertain trading costs. We use a stylized two-period OLG framework, where each generation makes a portfolio allocation decision for retirement, and show that...
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Frequent, yet uninformed, fund flows in Chilean pension plans generate substantial trading in currency markets due to the high allocation to international securities. These non-fundamental flows have a significant impact on the Chilean peso, which is estimated to have a relatively low price...
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We study how pension fund (out)performance is influenced by a) a pension fund's activity, i.e., how much the pension fund deviates in its stock allocation from the typical pension fund behavior, and b) whether the pension fund exploits short- or long-term mispricing opportunities (measured by...
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We examine the effects of a 2012 regulatory reform that mandated fee and performance disclosures for the investment options in 401(k) plans. We show that participants became significantly more attentive to expense ratios and short-term performance after the reform. The disclosure effects are...
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I study the history and performance of commercial real estate (CRE) in the pension fund portfolio, showing how many plan sponsors fundamentally changed their approach to CRE investment once underfunding gaps began to emerge in the early and middle 2000s. Several new empirical facts are...
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