Showing 21 - 30 of 57,412
Accounting for research and development (R&D) costs is an open issue. SFAS N°2 mandates that all R&D costs are immediately expensed. International standards prescribe a capitalization of R&D costs if they meet certain criteria (IAS 38). Recent research papers (Healy et al., 2002; Lev and...
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The article intends to provide a global vision of the broad and heterogeneous field of intangible capital and its different components and approaches. Some basic concepts are examined, such as those of intellectual, human or technological capital from a business and macroeconomic perspective....
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We wspolczesnej gospodarce wzrost firm uzalezniony jest od wdrazania innowacyjnych produktow i uslug oraz wykorzystania zasobow intelektualnych. Firmy zwiekszaja swoja przewage konkurencyjna oparta na wiedzy poprzez ponoszenie nakladow na inwestycje w badania i rozwoj. Realizacja tej strategii w...
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We examine the effect of auditor conservatism on corporate innovation. We hypothesize that because conservative auditors constrain income-increasing accounting discretion, managers may sacrifice long-term investments in innovation to boost current earnings and meet short-term performance...
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This study seeks to examine the impact of Block Ownership structure on risk-taking as measured by R&D Intensity in OECD countries. The study uses a panel data of 200 companies from Anglo American and European countries between 2010 and 2014. The ordinary least squares regression is used to...
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Das 1. Symposium für Ökonomie im Gartenbau fand am 27. November 2013 in der Paulinerkirche in Göttingen statt. Es wurde als Kooperation der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, des Thünen- Instituts für Betriebswirtschaft und des Agrarkompetenznetzes WeGa durchgeführt. Die Veranstaltung...
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We examine the impact of technological competition on voluntary innovation disclosure around the enactment of the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act of 2011 (“AIA”). The AIA moves the U.S. patent system from the first-to-invent to first-inventor-to-file system and induces a patent “race”...
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This paper empirically examines how R&D intensity impacts the provision and nature of management earnings guidance. R&D-intensive firms face high managerial uncertainty as well as high investor uncertainty, which have countervailing effects on discretionary disclosure. I find that high...
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I estimate the ex-post NPV profitability and returns-to-scale of expenditures on Ramp;D, advertising and personnel intangibles for the universe of publicly traded U.S. firms. I report four main findings. First, the NPVs of expenditures on Ramp;D, advertising, and personnel activities have been...
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This study investigates the extent to which potential financial reporting benefits from capitalizing and amortizing Ramp;D costs depend on increasing the level of discretion permitted to financial statement preparers. To provide evidence on this issue, we examine the impact of alternative...
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