Showing 81 - 90 of 46,366
Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID–19) is one of the worst pandemics in human history. Our research objective is to assess the contagion effect on the Japanese stock market and to evaluate the Japanese government's COVID–19 measures during the period of April 7, 2020 to May 25, 2020. In this...
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Korean Abstract: 본 연구는 우리나라 금융기관간, 금융산업과 비금융산업간 상호연계성을 분석함으로써 시스테믹 리스크(systemic risk)를 측정하였다. 네트워크 분석결과 금융기관간 상호연계성은 외환위기, 글로벌 금융위기 및...
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This paper studies the nature of volatility spillovers across countries from the per-spective of network theory and by relying on data of US-listed ETFs. I use a Lasso-related technique to estimate the International Volatility Network (IVN) where the nodes correspond to large-cap international...
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Loosely speaking, "systemic risk" refers to a financial system shock that is large enough to have severe negative consequences for the real economy. Following the financial crisis of 2008-2009, a large literature has emerged that attempts to quantify and measure systemic risk. In this paper we...
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Flow toxicity can be measured in terms of the probability that a liquidity provider is adversely selected by informed traders. In previous papers we introduced the concept of Volume-synchronized Probability of Informed Trading (the VPIN* metric), and provided a robust estimation procedure. In...
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In today's turbulent marketplace with unprecedented portfolio turnover, transition activity and drawdowns, one must identify and eliminate all sources of Sharpe ratio erosion. In this environment, trading costs and risks are significant contributors to this performance drag and avoiding them is...
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This paper explores the influence of sampling frequency on volatility of financial time series in the framework of the delay model for stock prices suggested in Luong and Dokuchaev (2016). The dependence of the volatility on the sampling frequency is analysed for historical data and simulated...
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This paper empirically analyzes in a time-varying context if the U.S. corporate Credit Default Swaps (CDS) and bond markets of 81 reference entities reflect the same information on their prices between October 2004 and December 2010, using OTC traded CDS. The analysis shows that frictions in the...
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In this paper we develop a structural equation model with latent variables in an ordinal setting which allows us to test broker-dealer predictive ability of financial market movements. We use a multivariate logit model in a latent factor framework, develop a tractable estimator based on a...
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This paper presents a new class of time-deformation (or stochastic volatility) models for stock returns sampled in transaction time and directed by a generalized duration process. Stochastic volatility in this model is driven by an observed duration process and a latent autoregressive process....
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