Showing 11 - 20 of 25,440
In medieval Europe, old coins were frequently declared invalid and exchanged for new ones at fixed rates and dates. Here, the question of whether and when such re-coinage was applied in medieval Sweden is analyzed against the historical record. A theory of how short-lived coinage systems work is...
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This paper assesses Revolutionary and Napoleonic wartime economic policy. Suspension of gold convertibility in 1797 allowed the Bank of England to nurture British monetary orthodoxy. The Order of the Privy Council suspended gold payments on Bank of England notes and afforded simultaneous...
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Gesell taxes on money holdings have received attention in recent decades as a way of alleviating the zero lower bound on interest rates. Less known is that such a tax was the predominant method used to generate seigniorage in large parts of medieval Europe for around two centuries. When the...
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In medieval Europe, old coins were frequently declared invalid and exchanged for new ones at fixed rates and dates. Here, the question of whether and when such re-coinage was applied in medieval Sweden is analyzed against the historical record. A theory of how short-lived coinage systems work is...
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Although the leaf-thin bracteates are the most fragile coins in monetary history, they were the main coin type for almost two centuries in large parts of medieval Europe. The usefulness of the bracteates can be linked to the contemporary monetary taxation policy. Medieval coins were frequently...
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Re-coinage implies that old coins are declared invalid and exchanged for new ones at fixed exchange rates and dates. Empirical evidence shows that re-coinage could occur as often as twice a year within a currency area in the Middle Ages. The exchange fee at re-coinage worked as a monetary tax...
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Government bankruptcies in the countries of the so-called periphery during the period of the gold standard were no rare events. They were also not limited to the Ottoman Empire and the Balkan countries. Prominent examples outside this region were Peru, Brazil, Argentina and Portugal.In this...
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Swedish abstract: I uppsatsen analyseras periodiska myntindragningar, ett monetärt beskattningssystem, som tillämpades under nästan 200 år i det medeltida Europa. En teori presenteras som visar att Systemet förutsatte en begränsad penningmängd och utestängandet av främmande mynt från...
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Swedish abstract: De medeltida brakteaterna är de tunnaste mynt som någonsin har präglats. Trots fragiliteten så dominerade brakteaterna myntväsendet i stora delar av centrala, östra och norra Europa under nästan 200 år. Syftet med denna artikel är att sätta brakteaterna i ett...
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Swedish abstract: I det medeltida Sverige (1150–1520) präglades liknande mynttyper som nere på kontinenten i nämnd ordning: brakteater, tvåsidiga penningar, återigen brakteater samt örtugar med hohlpenningar som växelmynt. Syftet med denna artikel är att analysera huruvida Sverige...
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