Showing 27,011 - 27,020 of 27,061
After the 2000-2001 financial crises, the Turkish banking sector experienced a process of concentration, with the tendency for merger and acquisition activities, the revocation of licenses and the liquidation of some insolvent banks. This paper assesses the competitive structures in the Turkish...
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This paper draws on the progress that has occurred in other areas of regulation -- specifically, the "cap-and-trade" program to control SO2 emissions; spectrum auctions; and "dedicated-access-privilege" programs for fisheries - to suggest that financial regulation would benefit from an expanded...
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To be effective, programs of regulatory reform must address the incentive conflicts that intensify financial risk-taking and undermine government insolvency detection and crisis management. Subsidies to risk taking that large institutions extract from the financial safety net encourage managers...
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A magyar bankrendszerben a kilencvenes évek elején ugrásszerűen megnőtt a rossz hitelek állománya. A szerzők empirikus adatokra támaszkodva amellett érvelnek, hogy ez nem a flowprobléma kiéleződésének, vagyis a rossz hitelezési gyakorlat folytatásának volt a következménye....
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A cikk az önkormányzatok utóbbi években zajló atipikusnak tekinthető eladósodásából kiindulva elemzi a magyarországi önkormányzati rendszert. Az atipikus eladósodás egy szimptómája az atipikus önkormányzatnak. A szerző állítása szerint ez a jelenség a magyar...
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A volt szocialista országok körében Magyarország csődintézménnyel kapcsolatos tapasztalatai egyedülállóak. Az új csődtörvény 1992-es hatályba lépése után az 1993- as módosítás időpontjáig több mint 22 ezer beadvány érkezett a bíróságokhoz. Ilyen tömegű...
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We study a model where some investors ("hedgers") are bad at information processing, while others ("speculators") have superior information-processing ability and trade purely to exploit it. The disclosure of financial information induces a trade externality: if speculators refrain from trading,...
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We demonstrate improvements in predictive power when introducing spline functions to take account of highly non-linear relationships between firm failure and earnings, leverage, and liquidity in a logistic bankruptcy model. Our results show that modeling excessive non-linearities yields...
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The recently passed bill deals with some of the most critical problems of Brazilian antitrust law and policy, such as the inefficiencies stemming from having three different agencies in charge of competition law enforcement and the lack of staff. José Antonio Batista de Moura Ziebarth
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In addition to international cartels, the bid-rigging conduct is high in the agenda. Cecilia Vidigal Monteiro de Barros (Motta Fernandes Rocha Advogados)
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