Showing 131 - 140 of 5,414
The regulatory changes in the german electric power market result in rising electricity price volatility. As a consequence electricity price risk management is essential for an electricity trader. The paper therefore analyzes the needed volume of futures hedging for an electricity trader, that...
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This paper applies nonlinear econometric models to empirically investigate the effectiveness of the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) exchange rate policy. First, results from a STARTZ model are provided revealing nonlinear mean reversion of the Australian dollar exchange rate in the sense that...
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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird die Möglichkeit einer individuellen, das heißt standortabhängigen und kenngrößenspezifischen Wettervorhersage demonstriert. Dabei werden aber nicht die komplexen mathematischen Modelle der aktuellen Wettervorhersagen zu Grunde gelegt, sondern die Voraussage...
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The financial economics literature proposes dozens of performance measures to be used, for instance, to compare, analyze, rank and select assets. There is thus a problem: which measures should be considered? The authors extend the current literature by comparing a large set of performance...
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We introduce a new two-dimensional measure for the heterogeneity of performance within groups of economic units. This measure accounts both, for the relative performance of the single units of groups and their relative size. We demonstrate that the new measure leads to a much more differentiated...
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The financial economics literature proposes dozens of performance measures to be used, for instance, to compare, analyse, rank and select assets. There is thus a problem: which measures should be considered? We extend the current literature by comparing a large set of performance measures over...
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Using comprehensive data for West Germany, this paper investigates the determinants of establishment exit. We find that between 1975 and 2006 the average exit rate has risen considerably. In order to test various "liabilities" of establishment survival identified in the literature, we analyze...
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Die Politik in Deutschland setzt u. a. auf Zuwanderung von Hochqualifizierten aus Drittstaaten zur Schließung von Fachkräftelücken. Das Ziel der Studie ist es, geeignete Instrumente für eine derartige selektive Steuerung der Zuwanderung zu identifizieren. Die Studie untersucht die...
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Qualitative and quantitative properties of the Cornish-Fisher-Expansion in the context of Delta-Gamma-Normal approaches to the computation of Value at Risk are presented. Some qualitative deficiencies of the Cornish-Fisher-Expansion - the monotonicity of the distribution function as well as...
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We study models with discrete endogenous variables and compare the use of two stage least squares (2SLS) in a linear probability model with bounds analysis using a nonparametric instrumental variable model. 2SLS has the advantage of providing an easy to compute point estimator of a slope...
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