Showing 90,391 - 90,400 of 90,581
This paper uses panel data and econometric methods to estimate the incidence and the dynamic properties of overskilling among employed individuals. The paper begins by asking whether there is extensive overskilling in the labour market, and whether overskilling differs by education pathway. The...
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This paper examines whether subjective expectations of unemployment are reliable indicators of the probability of becoming unemployed, and investigates their association with wage growth. We find that workers' fears of unemployment are increased by their previous unemployment experience and by...
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This paper evaluates the effectiveness of market-based approaches in the provision of public-sponsored training programs. In particular, we study the link between training quality and labor earnings using a Peruvian program that targets disadvantaged youths. Multiple proxies for training quality...
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This paper argues that changes in the returns to occupational tasks have contributed to changes in the wage distribution over the last three decades. Using Current Population Survey (CPS) data, we first show that the 1990s polarization of wages is explained by changes in wage setting between and...
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This paper studies the impact of product and labor market regulations on informality and unemployment in a general framework where formal and informal firms are subject to the same externalities, differing only with respect to some parameter values. Both formal and informal firms have monopoly...
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This study examines the extent and influence of occupational licensing in the U.S. using a specially designed national labor force survey. Specifically, we provide new ways of measuring occupational licensing and consider what types of regulatory requirements and what level of government...
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The dissertation consists of two main parts. The first part presents a search model with non-stationary reservation wages. In the model the reservation wage declines over time and at a certain point is equal to utility of non-participation, after which it is not optimal to search and workers...
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Über die Lohnstruktur im Nonprofit Sektor ist wenig bekannt. Ziel der Dissertation ist es, Determinanten der Lohnhöhe …
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While tariff and quota barriers in agricultural, food and manufactured products have been declining due to the proliferation of multilateral trade agreements, there is increasing debate regarding the impact of product and process standards and technical regulations, since they may have become a...
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En el año 2005 se reestructura el marco institucional en el que se desarrollan las relaciones laborales, teniendo como principal elemento de cambio, la reconvocatoria de los Consejos de Salarios. Por lo que el objetivo del presente trabajo es investigar que ha ocurrido con el grado de...
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