Showing 31 - 40 of 17,043
In this paper we model the dynamic multivariate density of discrete bid and ask quote changes and their associated depths. We account for the contemporaneous relationship between these trading marks by exploiting the concept of copula functions. Thereby we show how to model truncations of the...
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In this paper we develop a model for the conditional inflated multivariate density of integer count variables with domain Zn. Our modelling framework is based on a copula approach and can be used for a broad set of applications where the primary characteristics of the data are: (i) discrete...
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We propose a unified framework for estimating integrated variances and covariances based on simple OLS regressions allowing for a general market microstructure noise specification. We show that our estimators can outperform in terms of the root mean squared error criterion the most recent and...
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A recent trend in the German Asset Backed Securities (ABS) market is the securitisation of subordinated loans and profit participation agreements (PPAs) granted to medium-sized enterprises (MEs). This paper provides an overview of this growing market and analyses the benefits of such...
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We develop a panel intensity model, with a time varying latent factor, which captures the influence of unobserved time effects and allows for correlation across individuals. The model is designed to analyze individual trading behavior on the basis of trading activity datasets, which are...
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This paper analyzes the relationship between currency price changes and their expectations. Currency price change expectations are derived with the help of different order flow measures, from the trading behavior of investors on OANDA FXTrade, which is an internet trading platform in the foreign...
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The strong growth in collateralized debt obligation transactions raises the question how these transactions are designed. The originator designs the transaction so as to maximize her benefit subject to requirements imposed by investors and rating agencies. An important issue in these...
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Dimensions of cognitive skills are potentially important but often neglected determinants of the central economic outcomes that shape overall well-being over the life course. There exists enormous variation among households in their rates of wealth accumulation, their holdings of financial...
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This paper provides survey evidence on the influence of training on behavioral finance on professional fund managers' perception and investment behavior. In particular, it examines whether 'trained' fund managers differ from the 'untrained' ones in their perception of markets and themselves as...
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We develop a model of rational bubbles, based on the assumptions of an unknown potential market size and delegation of investment decisions. In a bubble, the price of an asset rises above its steady-state value, which must be justified by rational expectations about possible future price...
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