Showing 11 - 20 of 71
Fleet demand for alternative-fuel vehicles ('AFVs' operating on fuels such as electricity, compressed natural gas, or methanol) is investigated through an analysis of a 1994 survey of 2000 fleet sites in California. This survey gathered information on site characteristics, awareness of mandates...
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Random utility models often involve terms which represent alternative-specific errors, and the main attractive feature of the multinomial probit (MNP) model is that it allows a rather general covariance structure for these errors. However, since observed choices only reveal information regarding...
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Random utility models often involve terms which represent alternative-specific errors, and the main attractive feature of the multinomial probit (MNP) model is that it allows a rather general covariance structure for these errors. However, since observed choices only reveal information regarding...
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This paper describes an ongoing project to develop a demand forecasting model for clean-fuel vehicles in California. Large-scale surveys of both households and commercial fleet operators have been carried out. These data are being used to calibrate a new micro-simulation based vehicle demand...
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This research describes a new model of household vehicle use behavior by type of vehicle. Forecasts of future vehicle emissions, including potential gains that might be attributed to introductions of alternative-fuel (clean-fuel) vehicles, critically depend upon the ability to forecast...
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In this paper we revisit various important issues relating to practical estimation of the multinomial probit model, using an empirical analysis of car ownership as a test case. To provide context, a brief literature review of empirical probit studies is included. Estimates are obtained for a...
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On July 22, 2002, Governor Gray Davis signed AB 1493 into law. This law requires that the California Air Resources Board (CARB) propose rules that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions of light duty vehicles in California. The goal of this study was to provide insight into industry and consumer...
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The vehicle choice model developed here is one component in a mlcro-slmulatlon demand forecasting system being designed to produce annual forecasts of new and used vehicle demand by vehicle type and geographic area in Cahforma. The system will also forecast annual vehicle miles traveled for all...
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We compare multinomial logit and mixed logit models for data on California households' revealed and stated preferences for automobiles. The stated preference (SP) data elicited households' preferences among gasoline, electric, methanol, and compressed natural gas vehicles with various...
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