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This note contains complete proofs to the four theorems in Dikolli and Vaysman (2006) quot;Information technology, organizational design, and transfer pricing.quot; In a setting where a production department can only coarsely communicate private information to a marketing department, Theorem 1...
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Anderson, Banker and Janakiraman [2003] find that the absolute change in SG&A cost associated with decreased sales activity is systematically less than that associated with increased sales activity (so-called “sticky” costs). They interpret this as evidence of overt cost management. We...
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We study an extension of a two-period inventory management problem with positively correlated demands in which the manager's compensation is partially based on an external, market-based assessment of the firm's value. As typically the "real'' demand is only observed internally in the firm, the...
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SUBJECT AREAS: Corporate Finance, Valuation, Capital Budgeting, Investment Policy, Economic Value Added, EVA, Market Value Added, MVA, Net Present Value, NPV, cash flows, free cash flows real free cash flowsThis technical note studies Economic Value Added, EVA. First, a conceptual framework...
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We experimentally examine how employees' employment horizons (long or short) and the performance measures in their incentive contracts (forward-looking or contemporaneous) affect employee effort allocation and performance. Consistent with economic theory, we find that the decision-influencing...
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We find that fixed effects related to the location of a firm's headquarters explain variation in broad based option grants after controlling for industry effects and firm characteristics traditionally known to affect option granting. Location matters because of local labor market conditions and...
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In addition to other contributions to the literature, this note shows how value created can be measured if firms are financed not only by equity, but also by debt. We deal with this capital structure using the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) approach. We show that measuring value...
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The analysis in this paper extends the single-agent/multi-task LEN model in Feltham and Xie (1994) to a multi-agent/multi-task context. A key feature of the paper is that we consider centralized contracting with both full and limited commitment. The former refers to settings in which the...
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This explorative study contributes to the limited body of knowledge on the financial impacts of using multiple forms of controls in managerial performance evaluations. The study explores (1) how short-term profitability is affected by headquarters' emphasis on financial, nonfinancial, and...
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