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We derive a closed-form expression for the bilateral credit valuation adjustment of a credit default swap in presence of simultaneous defaults. We develop our analysis under a default intensity model specified by a class of three-dimensional subordinators, allowing for default dependence through...
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According to IFRS 9, an Entity shall assess - by performing a quantitative assessment - the relevance of the modification of the time value of money element, i.e. the modification of the interest that can be observed, e.g. in all the instruments whose underlying interest rate tenors are...
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Chen and Shen (2003) argue that it is possible to improve the Least Squares Monte Carlo Method (LSMC) of Longstaff and Schwartz (2001) to value American options by removing the least squares regression module. This would make not only faster but also more accurate. We demonstrate, using a large...
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Mean reversion, stochastic volatility, convenience yield and presence of jump clustering are well documented salient features of commodity markets, where Asian options are very popular. We propose a model which takes into account all these stylized features. We first state our model under the...
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The Implicit Function Theorem, or IFT, is a powerful tool for calculating derivatives of functions that solve inverse, i.e. calibration, problems prevalent in financial applications. It is commonly believed that a degree of manual intervention is required to enable financial code to take...
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This paper explores Artificial Neural Network (ANN) as a model-free solution for a calibration algorithm of option pricing models. We construct ANNs to calibrate parameters for two well-known GARCH-type option pricing models: Duan’s GARCH and the classical tempered stable GARCH that...
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We explore a multi-asset jump-diffusion pricing model, combining a systemic risk asset with several conditionally independent ordinary assets. Our approach allows for analyzing and modeling a portfolio that integrates high-activity security, such as an exchange trading fund (ETF) tracking a...
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We present a computationally tractable method for simulating arbitrage free implied volatility surfaces. We illustrate how our method may be combined with a factor model for the implied volatility surface to generate dynamic scenarios for arbitrage-free implied volatility surfaces. Our approach...
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The aim of this paper consists of valuating a real biotechnology firm that is based on a portfolio of several drug development projects at different phases. They are patentprotected R&D projects and their values are obtained by implementing an extension of the real options approach in Schwartz...
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El clásico modelo de valoración de opciones europeas de Black y Scholes (1973) supone que los retornos logarítmicos de un activo financiero se distribuyen normalmente, no obstante varios estudios empíricos muestran, primero, que esta distribución puede ser asimétrica y tener colas pesadas"...
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