Showing 81 - 90 of 54,256
We show how specific features of the microstructure information from VPIN and DPIN can volatile the futures market and can link with the price discover and investor sentiment. We develop an investor (institutional, noise, and both) sentiment index for the Shanghai Stock Exchange 50 (SSE 50)...
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This paper presents research on a profitable trading strategy for G10 currencies. We will devise trading strategies by considering realistic trading scenarios, analyze the performance of such strategies on out of sample data, identify the risks of these trading strategies, explain why the...
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Drawing upon more than 12 million observations over the period from 1996 to 2020, we find that allowing for nonlinearities significantly increases the out-of-sample performance of option and stock characteristics in predicting future option returns. Besides statistical significance, the...
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The importance of collateralization through the change of funding cost is now well recognized among practitioners. In this article, we have extended the previous studies of collateralized derivative pricing to more generic situation, that is asymmetric and imperfect collateralization with the...
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This paper investigates the reaction of credit default swaps spreads to changes in rating class, outlook, and watchlist entries for sovereigns. We find a stronger response to negative outlook and watchlist changes than for actual rating class downgrades, which shows that negative outlook and...
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Volatility trading is in vogue. Launched in January 2009, exchange-traded products (ETPs) linked to the CBOE Market Volatility Index (VIX) have enamored no small number of traders judging by the billions of dollars invested in these new products. Why exactly is unclear. The most popular VIX ETPs...
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We study the intra-day impact of algorithmic trading on the futures market to increase our understanding of algorithmic trading and its role in the price formation process. First, we find that algorithmic trading provides liquidity when the spread is wide and that algorithms enter the market at...
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This paper documents the fact that in options markets, the (percentage) implied volatility bid-ask spread increases at an increasing rate as the option's maturity date approaches. To explain this stylized fact, this paper provides a market microstructure model for the bid-ask spread in options...
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In this paper, I show that the volatility index VIX is not model-free as soon as the diff usion term is not Brownian motion even when correcting for jumps. In a stock index model that allows for temporary periods of under- or overreaction, such as a multifractional model, a wrong annualization...
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Movements in prices depend both on innovations to cashflows and changes in discount rates, which can be modelled as fluctuations in the cross-sectional distribution of wealth across an unchanging set of investment objectives. This paper explores the risk that arises when investors do not have...
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