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With the innovation of derivatives, the Standard and Poor's (S&P) 500 index -- as an underlying asset of the volatility …. Since the financial crisis of 2008, the degree of market volatility has increased substantially. In addition, a random …
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While empirical studies have established that the log-normal stochastic volatility (SV) model is superior to its … depends on the higher order moments of the volatility process. We prove that the second-order leading term is theoretically … valuation of vanilla options. We generalize the affine decomposition to other non-affine stochastic volatility models with …
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In this work we deal with the funding costs rising from hedging the risky securities underlying a target volatility … strategy (TVS), a portfolio of risky assets and a risk-free one dynamically rebalanced in order to keep the realized volatility … the fund composition leading to the most conservative price under the local volatility (LV) model, for which an a priori …
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To properly value a basket option, one should construct a joint probability density correctly repricing all asset smiles and correlation smiles. At first sight, the task seems formidable. However, by reformulating the problem, we can develop a model that is simple and fast, admitting analytic or...
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Asymmetric volatility concerns the relation of returns to future expected volatility. Much is known from option prices … about the marginal risk-neutral distributions of S&P 500 returns and of relative changes in future expected volatility (VIX … on long-dated index options. We estimate the risk-neutral asymmetric volatility implied correlation and find it to be …
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imposes inconsistent assumptions on underlying securities. The phenomenon is referred to as the volatility smile. This paper … function we obtain a wide range of shapes of implied volatility curves with respect to option strikes. The model has closed …
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This paper presents the implementation to the class of jump diffusion models of the approach used by Boyarchenko and Levendorskii (2002) in the case of exponential Lévy models. We show that this approach is more computationally efficient than the semi closed form solutions derived by Kou...
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We propose an iterative method for pricing American options under jump-diffusion models. A finite difference discretization is performed on the partial integro-differential equation, and the American option pricing problem is formulated as a linear complementarity problem (LCP). Jump-diffusion...
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This study investigates the dynamic relationship between option happiness (the steepness of the volatility smirk) and …
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This paper develops a dynamic joint model of the implied volatility (IV) surface and its underlying asset, impervious …
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