Showing 121 - 130 of 163
Based on the APARCH model and two outlier detection methods, we compute reliable time series of volatility asymmetry for 49 countries with relatively few observations. Results show a steady increase in the asymmetry over the years for most countries. We find that economic development and market...
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We study a model that relates dividend payout policy to behavioral issues based on the ideas of mental accounting. A panel analysis across 29 countries and over 43,000 firm-years demonstrates that our model studying the relation between dividends and patience, loss aversion, and ambiguity...
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We elicit time discounting factors in an international survey. Our analysis reveals a significant relationship between time discount factors and historical equity premium across 27 countries. It implies that in countries where participants tend to be more short-term oriented, higher historical...
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Motivated by Bali, Cakici and Whitelaw (2011)'s findings of the “MAX effect” in the U.S. stock markets, where stocks with high maximum daily returns in the previous month have abnormally low average returns, we check their result's robustness on two different periods, which was not conducted...
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Analyzing a large sample of U.S. firms, we show that the asymmetry of stock return volatility is positively related to investor attention and differences of opinion. Using the number of analysts following a given firm to capture attention and the dispersion in analyst forecasts as a common proxy...
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Previous literature on cash management has revealed that firms hoard cash to protect themselves against external financing constraints that might limit future capital budgeting policies. In a theoretical model based on this finding, we analyze how investors' attitude towards uncertain investment...
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Based on survey data collected from people with Chinese roots living in Germany, this paper examines the impact of assimilation degree and language priming (Chinese or German) on individuals’ perceived fairness of economic and social differences and their attitude towards these. The results...
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Foundations -- Decision Theory -- Financial Markets -- Two-Period Model: Mean-Variance Approach -- Two-Period Model: State-Preference Approach -- Multiple-Periods Model -- Advanced Topics -- Theory of the Firm -- Information Asymmetries on Financial Markets -- Time-Continuous Model
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