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This paper develops a theory of oligopoly and markups in general equilibrium. Firms compete in a network of product …
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One of the most basic principles in economics is that competitive pressure promotes efficiency. However, this pressure can also have a dark side because it makes firms reluctant to act on private information that is unpopular with consumers. As a result, firms that possess superior information...
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This paper develops a theory of oligopoly and markups in general equilibrium. Firms compete in a network of product …
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In intermediate goods markets, both buyers and sellers normally have market power, and sales are based on bilaterally negotiated contracts specifying both price and quantity. In our model, pairs of buyers and sellers meet in bilateral but interdependent Rubinstein-Ståhl negotiations. The...
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are characterized for exogenous blockchain protocol metrics. This paper shows that an equilibrium between miners and users …
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We examine the cross-sectional relation between log growth in physical capital to log growth in labor and subsequent stock returns. The ratio is a strong predictor of negative future abnormal returns. This relation strengthens with measures of financing constraint while remaining robust to...
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Blockchain-based smart contracts can potentially replace certain traditional contracts through decentralized … how blockchain and smart contracting technologies evolve towards achieving decentralized and scalable trust …
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Blockchain-based smart contracts can potentially replace certain traditional contracts through decentralized … how blockchain and smart contracting technologies evolve towards achieving decentralized and scalable trust …
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This paper reviews the growth of the online business-to-business marketplaces and proposes that intense competition between and among horizontal hubs and vertical exchanges will lead to consolidation. Financial collaborative trading networks (CTNs) would follow as a consequence. CTNs allow...
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Ethereum is a public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform featuring smart contract functionality. This book … is your one-stop guide to blockchain and Ethereum smart contract development.We start by introducing you to the basics of … blockchain. You'll learn about hash functions, Merkle trees, forking, mining, and much more. Then you'll learn about Ethereum and …
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