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This study parameterizes 'Curiosity' as measure of innovation potential of individual economic agents. In presence of discovery of two additional factors, which I term, PARQ and IDRA, that dominate `Curiosity' as measure of innovation potential, there is arrival at parameterization of three...
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This paper considers a dynamic duopoly market with strategic, price setting firms and an infinite set of fully rational, privately informed consumers who enter the market sequentially. I show that there exists a sequential equilibrium in which prices converge to their realized product qualities...
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Using the mutual fund industry as a laboratory, we demonstrate theoretically and empirically that economic policy uncertainty an affect investment decisions through an information rather than real options channel. Specifically, we find that fund flow-performance sensitivity decreases in...
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This paper develops a finite-period model of rational bubbles where trade of an asset takes place through a chain of middlemen. We show that there exists a unique equilibrium, and a bubble can occur due to higher-order uncertainty. Under reasonable assumptions, the equilibrium price is...
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We designed four observational learning experiments to identify the key channels that, along with Bayes-rational inferences, drive herd behavior. In Experiment 1, unobserved, whose actions remain private, learn from the public actions made in turn by subjects endowed with private signals of...
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is used to test hypotheses of HB. We show the common knowledge assumptions of the PI theory are implausible. The theories … differ on four main analytical issues. (1) The pricing theory under PI implies prices have infinite memory and at each t … rationality conditions impose restrictions on any HB theory. We explain the tight restrictions on the model's parameters imposed …
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Will arbitrage capital flow into markets experiencing shocks, mitigating adverse effects on price efficiency? Not necessarily. In a dynamic model with privately informed capital-constrained arbitrageurs, price efficiency plays a dual role, determining both the profitability of new arbitrage and...
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Why do firms engage in costly, voluntary disclosure of informationwhich is subsumed by a later announcement? We consider a model inwhich the firm's manager can choose to disclose short-term informationwhich becomes redundant later. When disclosure costs are sufficientlylow, the manager discloses...
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The paper differs from current literature by providing a systematic analysis of the relationship between sovereign debt, financial distress and political career concerns via a novel game-theoretic model, in order to analyze the strategic behavior of governments in revealing financial distress...
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In a binary prediction market in which risk-neutral traders have heterogeneous prior beliefs and are allowed to invest a limited amount of money, the static rational expectations equilibrium price is demonstrated to underreact to information. This effect is consistent with a favorite-longshot...
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