Showing 129,951 - 129,960 of 139,912
We study the impact of pre-contractual communication on market outcomes when economic relationships are subject to hidden action. Our experiment is framed in a credit market context and borrowers (second movers) can communicate with lenders (first movers) prior to entering the credit...
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Since the European Central Bank’s (ECB’s) 2003 strategy review, the importance of macro-financial amplification channels for monetary policy has increasingly gained recognition. This paper takes stock of this evolution and discusses the desirability of further incremental enhancements in the...
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Promoting social information reporting and disclosure can promote sustainable banking. The paper aims to measure banking social sustainability by constructing a new interval-based composite indicator using the Thomson Reuters database. In this work, we propose an approach to constructing...
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We propose a new channel through which exchange rates affect trade. Exploiting the heterogeneity in firms' foreign currency debt maturity structure around a large depreciation in Colombia, we show that debt revaluation compresses imports due to higher delinquencies and interest rates, while...
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Spanish Abstract: Cuando se examinan procesos como la titularización cabe preguntar si el comportamiento de los agentes obedece a cambios institucionales o si las modificaciones del régimen normativo son una respuesta al comportamiento del mercado o a necesidades de la economía. Este...
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Adam Smith demonstrated how self-interest and the “invisible hand” of the marketplace allocated scarce resources efficiently and promoted social welfare. Unfortunately, the invisible hand argument led to the belief that regulation is unnecessary and that “greed is good.” This paper uses...
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Italian Abstract: Questo lavoro verifica se tra la fine del 2005 e la metà del 2012 la specializzazione territoriale dell’attività di prestito, il localismo bancario, ha influenzato la dinamica e la qualità dei prestiti concessi alle imprese italiane. A tal fine il lavoro propone una nuova...
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Consumers with insufficient resources can finance purchases by applying for specific purpose loans or unspecified purpose loans. I examine the default gap of these two types of loans by using a unique dataset of consumer loans from a Czech commercial bank. In line with theoretical models that...
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The concept of testimonial injustice, due to Miranda Fricker, captures cases where structural prejudices about a person’s social identity lead people to assign lower credibility to her utterances. On Fricker’s account, these prejudices have to be false. This paper considers testimonial...
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Korean Abstract: 이 논문에서는 한국은행의 대표적인 신용정책 수단인 금융중개지원대출제도(구 총액한도대출제도)가 중소기업 대출에 미치는 효과를 살펴보았다. 금융중개지원대출이 중소기업의 대출에 어느 정도 영향을...
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