Showing 171 - 180 of 284,822
This paper investigates the timing and source of anomalous positive long-run abnormal returns following repurchase authorizations. Returns between program authorization and completion announcements are indistinguishable from zero. Abnormal returns occur only after completion announcements....
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Exploiting financial news stories data, we construct news-implied linkages and document a strong lead-lag effect of firms with shared news coverage in China’s stock market. The news-link momentum strategy generates a monthly return of 1.33% and a four-factor alpha (Liu et al., 2019) of 1.43%....
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This paper studies the implications of disclosure repetitiveness on firm performance, information processing costs, and future stock returns. I propose a compression-based method to measure disclosure repetitiveness, which is assumption-free with respect to the underlying language models. I then...
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If information is not perfect, theories prescribe a negative relation between information availability and expected stock returns. Using two readily available variables, price and volume, I construct a new proxy for information and test its relation to returns in the 1964-2007 period on...
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This paper examines how investors assimilate firm-specific earnings persistence into prices in the context of delayed stock return reactions to earnings announcements (i.e., post-earnings-announcement drift, or PEAD). The literature predicts that if investors fail to recognize fully the...
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We document a significant positive relation between earnings announcement idiosyncratic volatility and stock returns in the 10-day window before future earnings announcements. The average of risk-adjusted return differences between stocks with the highest earnings announcement idiosyncratic...
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We establish a link between firms managing investors' performance expectations, earnings announcement premia, and cyclical patterns (i.e., seasonalities) in returns. Firms that are more likely to manage expectations toward beatable levels predictably earn lower returns before, and higher returns...
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We analyse the links between soccer match results, bets and stock returns of all listed European soccer teams. Using an event study approach, we measure abnormal returns following wins, ties and losses. Wins are associated with positive abnormal returns, and ties and losses with negative...
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In a large sample of U.S. takeovers, we find that acquisitions of targets with greater financial independence are associated with higher takeover premiums and lower acquirer announcement returns. This empirical result is most consistent with targets' deriving bargaining power from their...
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We examine the relationship between the tonality of news flow and the cross section of expected stock returns. We use a comprehensive definition of media coverage that includes both financial newspapers and mass media, represented by TV broadcasts. Using the total news flow with positive and...
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