Showing 131 - 140 of 130,551
We study the association between the stock liquidity of SMEs in the US and their likelihood of bankruptcy, using a … substantial heterogeneity across industries regarding the predictive power of the liquidity measure on the likelihood of … performance tests conclude that adding a liquidity measure variable to the Campbell et al. (2008) model improves its predictive …
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We examine the relationship between monetary policy operations and interbank borrowing and lending of funds using sovereign bonds as collateral. We first establish that, in the precrisis period, there are important but rather weak relations between these funding sources and that this...
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We investigate the effects of introducing a central clearing counterparty (CCP) on securities prices by adopting as an experimental construct the 2009 CCP reform in three Nordic markets. We find that, relative to other European economies, these countries experience market-adjusted equity returns...
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We use a unique data set from the Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE) to study liquidity e ffects in the US … structured product market. Our main contribution is the analysis of the relation between the accuracy in measuring liquidity and … provide guidance for improving transparency while maintaining trader confidentiality. In addition, we analyze liquidity in the …
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This paper examines the impact of stock liquidity on firm bankruptcy risk. Using the Securities and Exchange Commission … decimalization regulation as a shock to stock liquidity, we establish that enhanced liquidity decreases default risk. Stocks with the … highest default risk experience the largest improvements. We find two mechanisms through which stock liquidity reduces firm …
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their liabilities means that these funds are important sources of liquidity demand, often in already unsettled markets. The … concomitant reduction in liquidity supply by dealers raises the question of which intermediaries accommodate mutual funds' sales … demand liquidity, and insurance companies, which hold large amounts of corporate bonds. They often trade in opposite …
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This paper studies how market-wide credit risk affects the liquidity pricing in the bond market. With the emerging wave … increases the effectiveness of price discovery in China's capital market. As liquidity concern starts to play a nontrivial role …
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This study examines the impacts of investor sentiment and liquidity on the idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL) anomaly … in Vietnam after controlling for FEARS sentiment index and liquidity proxies. Our findings document the persistence of … contribute new evidence of how the FEARS index and liquidity help explain the IVOL puzzle before and during the pandemic. Our …
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This paper proposes a novel measure of noise trading that aims to capture uninformed retail trading. The measure, an indicator of whether the firm placed advertisement(s) in the Wall Street Journal seven calendar days earlier, is motivated by evidence that retail trading spikes seven days after...
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In this paper, I develop a measure of the difference in the amount of information that investors expect a forthcoming disclosure to contain should it reveal good news versus bad news (the disclosure's "asymmetry"). I derive this measure from a model of option prices leading up to an asymmetric...
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