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Unfair practices by online platforms have not only exclusionary effects on relevant markets but also exploitative effects on captive business users (and/or individual users). Nevertheless, attention is lopsided with most of the focus having been placed on the exclusionary abuse. With the aim of...
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Korean Abstract: 2020년 6월 2일, 유럽연합 집행위원회(European Commission)는 디지털 서비스법(Digital Services Act, “DSA”) 패키지와 새로운 경쟁법 툴(New Competition Tool, “NCT”)의 도입을 목표로 구체적인 로드맵을 담은...
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Korean Abstract: 본 연구의 목적은 두 가지이다. 첫째, 일대일로 이니셔티브를 통해 강화하고 있는 중국의 아세안 협력 특히 지속가능한 환경분야에서의 협력 현황에 기초하여 한·중 협력 추진 가능성을 검토하고 협력 사업을...
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This study is intended to provoke discussion on the practical effects of unfair trading practices (‘UTPs’) in the market and the necessity of new UTPs regulation at EU level.Section 2 addresses the notion of UTPs and their effects. UTPs in vertical business-to-business (‘B2B’) relations...
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Against the backdrop of the rise of the tech giants, e.g. Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, modern competition law is currently being challenged within (neo-Brandeis or hipster antitrust) and outside (new platform-specific legislation) the area of the law. Right or wrong, such challenges that are...
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Korean Abstract: 2020년 2월 19일 유럽연합 집행위원회는 향후 5년간 유럽연합 디지털 정책의 방향과 대원칙을 밝히는 세 가지 정책 문서를 발표하였다. 첫째는 “인공지능 백서(White paper on AI)”, 둘째는 “유럽 데이터 전략(European...
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The main contents of this paper were presented at the 17th ASCOLA Annual Conference held in Porto, Portugal from June 30 to July 2, 2022. Slides are available at recent changes in legislative trends and enforcement practices to favor more regulatory and...
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2021 will likely be counted as one of the most monumental years in the history of Korean competition law and policy. Above all, the amendment of Korean competition law, Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act (“Korean competition law”), which significantly overhauled it, was entered into...
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The triumph of the self-preferencing doctrine is not confined to Europe but is found in many other jurisdictions as well. Korea is a case in point. On December 14, 2022, the Seoul High Court decided that the Korean competition authority (i.e., Korea Fair Trade Commission, ‘KFTC’) was right...
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Traditionally, competition law has viewed issues of abuse of economic dependency or relative power as peripheral, focusing primarily on abuses rooted in dominance or substantial market power. However, this perspective is now being increasingly challenged by enforcers and policymakers. They are...
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