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This paper derives an equilibrium capital asset pricing model (CAPM) in a market where asset prices can exhibit price … jumps and price bubbles. We derive a generalized intertertemporal CAPM and consumption CAPM for these markets. The derived …
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This paper derives an equilibrium capital asset pricing model (CAPM) in a market with trading constraints and asset … requirements, among others. We derive a generalized intertertemporal CAPM and consumption CAPM for these markets. The implications …
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within the GEI-CAPM (General Equilibrium with Incomplete Markets Capital Asset Pricing Model). Both the mutual fund and … result of the CAPM with quadratic utilities. Asset prices may change in response to financial innovation …
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We study a dynamic general equilibrium model with costly-to-short stocks and heterogeneous beliefs. The closed-form solution to the model shows that costly short sales drive a wedge between the valuation of assets that promise identical cash flows but are subject to different trading...
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We propose an equilibrium framework within which to price financial securities written on non- tradable underlyings such as temperature indices. We analyze a financial market with a finite set of agents whose preferences are described by a convex dynamic risk measure generated by the solution of...
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Under limited commitment that prevents agents from pledging their future non-financial wealth, agents with incorrect beliefs always survive by holding on to their non-financial wealth. Friedman (1953)'s market selection hypothesis suggests that their financial wealth trends towards zero in the...
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Habit formation has been proposed as a possible solution for explaining the equity premium puzzle. This paper extends the class of models that support the habits explanation in order to account for heterogeneity in earnings, wealth, habits and consumption. I find that habit formation increases...
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Portfolio constraints often prevent financial derivatives from being synthetically created by primitive assets and thus, open a way for the 'redundant' assets to participate in expanding risk-sharing opportunities. They bring about peculiar portfolios, called 'link portfolios,' at an aggregate...
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Heterogeneous beliefs among market participants can lead to questionable speculative trading that goes beyond any risk-sharing motives. We demonstrate that such unwarranted betting behavior in market equilibrium can be mitigated by introducing nonlinear pricing for ambiguous contracts, without...
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This paper considers the macroeconomic implications of a set of empirical studies finding a high degree of dispersion in preference heterogeneity. It develops a model with both uninsurable idiosyncratic income risk and risk aversion heterogeneity to quantify their effects on wealth inequality....
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