Showing 21 - 30 of 353,391
The business cycle dynamics of firms' investment and debt maturity vary across the firm size and age distribution …: Young and small firms have strongly pro-cyclical debt maturity and investment, old and large firms a-cyclical debt maturity … and weakly pro-cyclical investment. This paper explores the importance of firms' debt maturity choices for their …
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substantial variation in the maturity structure of long-term debt. Firms which at the start of the crisis had a larger part of …
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homogeneous or compete more aggressively. Moreover, we find that firms with shorter-maturity debt are less aggressive than their …
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This study re-examines the impact of asset maturity on debt maturity choices. The pertinent literature suffers from the … fact that asset maturity typically is hard to observe. In this paper we exploit the fact that for energy utilities asset … maturity can directly be measured. Using a sample of 193 energy utility companies in the period 2002 to 2009 we first show that …
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This paper shows the relevance of the financial crisis on firm- and country-level determinants on debt maturity … structure for 39 countries during the period 1995-2012. Corporate debt maturity declined during the financial crisis. However …, the financial crisis had a positive effect on the corporate debt maturity of smaller firms. Cross-firm and cross …
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I develop a dynamic capital structure model in which shareholders determine a firm's leverage ratio, debt maturity, and … all the firm's cash flows and can pick a new capital structure. The possibility to alter the capital structure at maturity … gives shareholders the incentive to issue finite maturity debt and allows me to study firms' joint choice of leverage and …
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Perhaps, the most familiar idea underlying debt maturity choice is the maturity-matching hypothesis wherein liabilities …' maturities correlate with assets' maturities. However, the maturity-matching hypothesis does not provide a comprehensive … explanation for many empirical patterns of firm behavior. This study investigates the determinants of debt maturity choice using a …
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Evidence shows that firms market time their debt maturity. Specifically, maturity is found to be inversely proportional … the term spread is large and they increase maturity as the term spread decreases. In this article, we build a model … transaction costs. Firms reduce debt maturity as it lowers bankruptcy probability. In the same spirit, firms increase maturity to …
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This paper extends our knowledge of corporate debt maturity structure by examining whether and to what extent … overconfident CEOs affect maturity decisions. Consistent with a demand side story, we find that firms with overconfident CEOs tend … to adopt a shorter debt maturity structure by using a higher proportion of short-term debt (due within 12 months). This …
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Does the ability of suppliers of corporate debt capital to hedge risk through credit default swap (CDS) contracts impact firms' capital structures? We find that firms with traded CDS contracts on their debt are able to maintain higher leverage ratios and longer debt maturities. This is...
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