Showing 111 - 120 of 160
Russian Abstract: Настоящая записка приводит примеры грубых провалов весьма квалифицированных экспертов и объясняет их основные причины. К сожалению – одна из главных...
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Objectives: The present coronavirus crisis shook the modern world as only the world wars have shaken it before. In this review we analyzed the lockdown-based crisis management which was implemented by nearly all the countries, lessons learned and ways to improve the management of similar events...
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‘Fact-checking’ prepared by reputable economists to refute President Donald Trump’s statement ‘We cannot let the cure be worse than the Problem itself’ challenges economic science and even the authors’ own scientific results. A short review of A. Deaton & A. Case (2020) book...
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The paper is an English draft version of the text previously published in Chapter 8 in the book "Institucionalnye ogranichenia sovremenogo ekonomicheskogo rosta" - Institutional Constraints on Modern Economic Growth – “Delo” Publishing House Moscow, 2011 In this chapter, the authors tried...
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Russian Abstract: Когда передовые страны соревновались друг с другом в улучшении делового климата, начиная с 1980-х гг., Израиль сильно отстал. Однако сегодня, когда те же...
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Russian Abstract: В данной записке сравниваются ошибки инвесторов, провалы рынка и провалы государства, как факторы, объясняющие кризис 2007-2009 гг. Показано, что если...
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Russian Abstract:Социалистические и «зеленые» эксперименты экономически ослабили Запад, зато усилили режим В.Путина. Экономическая мощь – основа военного...
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Российскую версию этой статьи можно найти в:, ‘green’ experiments had weakened Western economic power and emboldened Putin. Economic power is one of the key advantages of Israel in the Middle East and the basis...
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Almost all tax reforms in Israel since 1996 were ‘gradual’, ‘fine-tuning-style', and eventually had zero impact on the economic growth rate. The only exemption – corporate tax rate lowering was caused by the pressure of international competition. Some data and references are provided to...
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Real Justice has nothing in common with redistribution and disgraceful ‘equity’, so we are discussing inequality as a purely economic problem. There are two sources of inequality in focus in this short paper. The first one is rooted in the level of risks accepted by business: if a...
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