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Manufacturers frequently post non-binding public price recommendations, but neither the rationale for this practice nor its impact on prices is well understood. I develop a model in which recommendations signal a manufacturer's production cost to searching consumers, who then form beliefs about...
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This paper theoretically analyzes the role of reference prices on competition and welfare in a context of a circular city model with free entry and reference prices, in which paying market prices above a reference negatively affects the utility of consumers. Agents interact in a three-stage...
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optimal control theory. We apply Taylor’s theorem to analyze the properties of the nonlinear dynamic system and the shooting …
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In the U.S. real estate market, around 30 percent of listed properties remain unsold. We examine whether unsold property listings exert externalities in the housing market. Our study builds on a comprehensive dataset that encompasses residential property listings in Orange County (California)...
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We derive the closed-form solution that characterizes the equilibrium in the circular city model, when competing firms have heterogeneous production costs. Tractability issues in this setting are well-known and have not been resolved in prior work. In this paper, the equilibrium solution...
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In this paper, we review and explore the strategic mechanisms that deter entry in banking. The literature relies on externality between banks to generate entry deterrence. Typically, the externality generated is caused by differential adverse selection faced by incumbents and entrants. In this...
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A model is estimated for oligopolistic industries producing multiple outputs in short-run equilibrium. Outputs are sold domestically and exported, while capital is treated as a quasi-fixed factor. The model is applied to the Canadian nonelectrical machinery, electrical products and chemical...
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We examine the behavior of senders and receivers in the context of oligopoly limit pricing experiments in which high prices chosen by two privately informed incumbents may signal to a potential entrant that the industry-wide costs are high and that entry is unprofitable. The results provide...
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