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The strategic decisions defining what defence capabilities are necessary for our country in response to the dynamic changes in the security environment are directly related to the question of How much? What is the price that taxpayers should pay for the creation and development of those...
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English Abstract:</B> Current paper examines medical and health security as a sub-system of the national security system and its interactions with the rest of the security subsystems. The investigation's aim is to outline the role and the position of medical and health security in the reproduction...
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The formation of a complex model of social adaptation of the servicemen, passing in the reserve and the members of their families shall be carried out based on specific social fund. Created in the early to mid- 90s of last century, this fund serves as a basis for a comprehensive reorganization...
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Conceptuality of social adaptation is predetermined by the fact that it is a subject of study by different scientific areas, which in itself is a prerequisite for the applicability of various approaches to its definition. In the context of human adaptability to changes in the social environment,...
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Summarizing, the presented model for social and psychological assistance to servicemen, discharged from military service and members of their families, can serve as a basis for the creation of adaptive program for the studied category of adapting individuals, corresponding to the dynamic changes...
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Bulgarian Abstract: Различието между социалната адаптация и социализацията е „видимо“ в състоянието на техния завършен вид. Завършената социална адаптация е...
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Bulgarian Abstract:</B> Изходна основа на нашите изследвания е етимологията на понятието „адаптация“, чийто произход е от латинската дума „adaptatio”, възприето в руския език...
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<B>Bulgarian Abstract: Динамичните промени в социалната среда, белязани от положителните и приоритетно отрицателните ефекти на факторите на макро-, микро ниво и ниво на...</b>
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Bulgarian Abstract:</B> В обобщение, посоченият модел за социално-психологическа подкрепа на военнослужещите, освободени от военна служба и на членовете на техните...
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Bulgarian Abstract:</B> Динамичните промени в средата на сигурност, поставят на сериозни изпитания военнослужещите, освободени по една или друга причина от военна служба и...
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