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This paper studies the use of noisy high-frequency data to estimate the time-varying state-price density implicit in European option prices. A dynamic kernel estimator of the conditional pricing function and its derivatives is proposed that can be used for model-free risk measurement. Infi ll...
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We introduce a natural generalization of the forward-starting options, first discussed by M. Rubinstein [Rubin]. The main feature of the contract presented here is that the strike-determination time is not fixed ex-ante, but allowed to be random, usually related to the occurrence of some event,...
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We develop a new high-performance spectral collocation method for the computation of American put and call option prices. The proposed algorithm involves a carefully posed Jacobi-Newton iteration for the optimal exercise boundary, aided by Gauss-Legendre quadrature and Chebyshev polynomial...
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Dynamic CDO modeling became a hot topic prior to the crisis. The latter, however, showed clearly the inadequacy of static models based on Gaussian copula for pricing, hedging, and risk management. Further, the financial innovation in the market fueled a demand for dynamic models that can capture...
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En esta monografía se aborda el estudio de las opciones exóticas, que son aquellas cuya estructura de pagos difiere de la de las opciones de compra y venta clásicas. Las opciones exóticas revisadas son: asiáticas, barrera, lookback, shout, ladder, ratchet, cap, floors, collars, quanto,...
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Cross-market deviations in equity put option prices and credit default swap spreads are temporal and revert to their usual level shortly after they occur, on average within about one week. The process of reversion involves predictable and economically significant changes also in the equity...
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The two most popular equity and FX derivatives pricing models in banking practice are the local volatility model and the Heston model. While the former has the appealing property that it can be calibrated exactly to any given set of arbitrage free European vanilla option prices, the latter...
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This paper demonstrates how to value American interest rate options under the jump extended constant-elasticity-of-variance (CEV) models. We consider both exponential jumps (see Duffie, Pan, and Singleton (2000)) and lognormal jumps (see Johannes (2004)) in the short rate process. We show how to...
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This paper proposes a data-driven approach, by means of an Artificial Neural Network (ANN), to value financial options within the setting of interest rate term structure models. This aims to accelerate existing numerical methods which is important for applications like historical VaR or exposure...
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We provide first-time evidence of the real-time characteristics and drivers of jumps in option prices. To this end, we employ high-frequency data from the 24-hour E-mini S&P 500 options market. We find that option prices do not jump simultaneously across strikes and maturities and are...
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