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This paper investigates whether and how economic policy uncertainty affects corporate debt maturity. Using a large firm … a shortened debt maturity. Moreover, the impacts are stronger for innovation-intensive firms. We use firms’ flexibility … in changing debt maturity and the deviation to leverage target to gauge the causal relationship, and identify the reduced …
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This paper investigates whether and how economic policy uncertainty affects corporate debt maturity. Using a cross … uncertainty is significantly associated with a shortened debt maturity. Specifically, a 1% increase in economic policy uncertainty … is associated with a 0.22% decrease in the long-term debt-to-assets ratio and a 0.08% decrease in debt maturity. Moreover …
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green financial policies on investment-financing maturity mismatch of A-share companies on Shanghai Stock Exchange and …. Green financial policies inhibit investment-financing maturity mismatch of enterprises by increasing loan availability …
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I propose a theory of debt maturity as an incentive device to motivate innovation when contracts are fundamentally … when contracts are incomplete. I show how an appropriate choice of debt maturity, together with ex-post contract …
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This paper investigates the gap-filling explanation for corporate debt maturity choices in a multi-country setting. We … argue that companies adjust their debt maturity in response to shocks in government debt maturity both at home and abroad … results have relevant implications for the opportunity for individual governments to use their debt maturity structure as a …
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A new expression is derived in which the cost of capital is an explicit function of debt maturity structure and the …
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Corporate debt maturity is a concave function of financial leverage when the debt has restrictive asset-based covenants …) to reduce the probability of covenant violation. We also find that maturity-leverage concavity is reduced when executive …
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This study investigates the effects of political uncertainty (PU) on corporate debt maturity and leverage using a novel … measure of firm-specific PU. We find that PU is negatively associated with debt maturity and leverage. Furthermore, the … negative effects of PU on debt maturity and leverage are more pronounced for firms with greater investment reversibility and a …
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This paper examines the impact of concentrated equity ownership (blockholders) on the corporate debt maturity structure … support for our hypothesis that debt maturity is a concave function of block ownership, which is likely a reflection of the … blockholders and the use of debt maturity to control for debt-equity and manager-equity conflicts …
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formed and how they impact leverage and debt maturity choices. In the model, lending relationships evolve through repeated … longer term debt, and raise funds from non-relationship lenders when relationship quality is sufficiently high. The maturity …
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