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uncertainty of the underlying. Transferring this intuition to volatility jumps requires that in affine models the variance jump … model-free analysis shows that the local variance-of-variance describes risk-neutral variance jump expectations well across … crises, whereas its long-run stochastic mean remains at lower levels. Second, the vol-of-vol risk-premium increases to 6 …
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such risk neutral probability. Given a well-interpolated volatility surface from market data, the risk neutral probability …The risk neutral measure is identified as a symmetric location-scale family of distribution in the local regime of the … λ model. A partial differential equation is derived as the transformation between the implied volatility surface and …
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This paper provides a number of relevant guidelines to build a consistent Volatility Smile accounting for the FX market … Quadratic Polynomial. In addition, the Risk Neutral Density is estimated with the first two models. It is shown that not … risk management, portfolio selection, and financial event studies …
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This paper proposes a novel way of pricing S&P500 index options in the presence of jump risk. Our analysis is built …'s certainty equivalent to specify agent's risk preference, which displays a fanning out characteristic. We find that the fanning … effect captures a remarkably large portion of the total market risk premium implicit in options. As a result, the model with …
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factor and by 0.247% for the factor of diffusion volatility. We obtain a R² value above 80%, and the jump risk factor is …We investigate the effects of return jumps on option bid-ask spreads measured in implied volatility. To explain bid … shows that bid-ask volatility spread increases by 0.742% for a one-standard-deviation increase in our defined nonlinear jump …
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This paper introduces a structural credit default model that is based on a hyper-exponential jump diffusion process for the value of the firm. For credit default swap prices and other quantities of interest, explicit expressions for the corresponding Laplace transforms are derived. As an...
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Option-implied moments, like implied volatility, contain useful information about an underlying asset's return … distribution but are derived under the risk-neutral probability measure. This paper provides a direct way of converting risk … high index levels and declines when the index falls. We confirm the view that investors with high risk aversion and …
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the market diffusive risk have a higher option-implied volatility level while firms with a larger return compensation for … market jump risk have steeper option-implied volatility slope …The role of market jump risk premium implicit in individual equity options has not been examined to date. This paper …
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I empirically investigate whether macroeconomic uncertainty is a priced risk factor in the cross-section of equity and …
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We propose a non-structural method to retrieve the risk-neutral density (RND) impliedby options on the CBOE Volatility … options, we retrieve the variance swap term structure, the timeseries of VVIX, the VIX risk-neutral moments and the Volatility-at-Risk …
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