Showing 1 - 10 of 22
U.S. state pensions are underfunded by trillions of dollars, but their economic burden is unclear. In a model of inefficient taxation, real estate fully reflects the cost of pension shortfalls when it is the only form of immobile capital. We study the effect of pension shortfalls on real estate...
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Climate change partisanship is reflected in residential choice. Comparing individual occupants at properties in the same zip code with similar elevation and proximity to the coast, registered republicans (democrats) are more (less) likely than independents to own houses exposed to sea level rise...
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We show that municipal bond markets began pricing sea level rise (SLR) exposure at the end of 2011, coinciding with upward revisions of SLR projections. The effect is present across maturities and is concentrated on the East and Gulf coasts, where storm risk is greatest. We apply a structural...
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This paper examines the effects of post-trade price transparency on the allocation of trading surplus in the corporate bond market. Using the introduction of TRACE as a natural experiment, we show that dealer profits are unconditionally lower when trade prices are disseminated. However,...
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Homes exposed to sea level rise (SLR) sell for approximately 7% less than observably equivalent unexposed properties equidistant from the beach. This discount has grown over time and is driven by sophisticated buyers and communities worried about global warming. Consistent with causal...
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Consistent with a simple model of market segmentation, we document rating-based clientele effects in the corporate bond market. Supply shocks arising from idiosyncratic firm upgrades and downgrades cause significant price movements for the other bonds in both the affected rating bucket and...
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Investors’ return on their portfolios, as proxied by the market, is a theoretically appealing but empirically unsuccessful asset pricing factor. In practice, many institutional investors choose to deviate substantially from the market portfolio. We propose a simple model in the spirit of...
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