Showing 1 - 10 of 121
Serbian Abstract: U članku se analiziraju pretpostavke i rezultati u ratarskoj proizvodnji u Volgo-Vjatskom rejonu i u Srbiji. Jedan od dvanaest ekonomskih regiona Ruske Federacije, Volgo-Vjatski rejon nalazi se severno od široke zone kvalitetnog černozema u Rusiji, najkvalitetnije zemlјe za...
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Russian Abstract: В статье анализируются предположения и результаты в растениеводстве в Волго-Вятском районе и в Дунайском регионе. Волго-Вятский район расположен к...
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The paper considers the current status and development perspectives of the textile industry in Serbia. As one of the oldest industries in the world, textile industry in Serbia (and Yugoslavia) was very developed and carried a lot of importance in GDP creation, absorption of the unemployed...
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Serbian Abstract: На крају Првог светског рата и победе Антанте, као и револуције у Русији, долази до озбиљне прекомпозиције карте Европе: нестало је неколико великих...
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The authors offer a view on the current state of insustry and contemporary tendencies in its development in Serbia and the world. Particularly, this academic paper analyzes the state of Serbian industry, which collapsed at the beginning of the last decade of the 20th century, after having gone...
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Russian Abstract: Статья рассматривает проблему парниковых газов (ПГ), и сокращения их выбросов. Эмиссия ПГ считается одной из главных антропогенных причин роста...
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The influx of migrants from the Middle East, North and Sub-Saharan Africa, and elsewhere has been weighing down Europe down since 2014. Two of the main migrant routes are the the so-called Balkan route by land and the Mediterranean route by sea. Most of the migrants on the Balkan route arrive...
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The fourth technological (industrial) revolution is based primarily on digital technologies, but also on their synthesis with other technologies, both traditional and conventional, as well as advanced, such as nanotechnologies and bio-technologies. The emergence of disruptive technologies causes...
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English Abstract:The paper discusses the current state and perspectives of the development of the textile industry in Serbia. As one of the oldest industries in the world, the textile industry in Serbia (and Yugoslavia) was highly developed and had great importance in the creation of GDP, the...
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