Showing 36,681 - 36,690 of 40,415
This paper looks at the link between inter-regional mobility, innovation and firms' behavioural heterogeneity in their reliance on localised external sources of knowledge. By linking patent data (capturing inventors' inter-regional mobility) with firm-level data (providing information on firms'...
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This paper surveys migration to and from the Netherlands since thesixteenth century with an emphasis on the post-war period. Existingstudies on the labour market performance of immigrants and ethnicminorities are considered and some new results from our recentresearch are presented.<P> See also...</p>
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In this paper we determine the effect of transport cost on commuting flows, on the basis of an analysis of home-to-work journeys between municipalities in Denmark. Special attention is given to a proper estimation method and the form of the distance-decay function. It appears that neither an...
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This discussion paper resulted in an article in the <I>International Business Review</I> (2012). Volume 21, issue 6, pages 971-986.<P> This study focuses on the external orientations of the second-generation migrant entrepreneurs by addressing in particular the way – and the extent to which – the...</p></i>
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Why has job growth over the past decades been weaker in the Dutch Randstad area than in surrounding regions? In a simultaneous equations analysis, we find that employment adjusts to the regional supply of labour. Net internal migration is predominantly determined by regional housing supply and...
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This paper aims to provide a conceptual and operational context for analysing regional inequalities. It does so by utilizing a ‘search & matching’ framework. The model, developed in this paper, maps the way in which individuals are distributed according to: 1) the abilities of individuals to...
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Nowadays, migrants form a significant share of the urban population, and their business is critical for urban economic growth. This paper addresses the key factors determining the position of migrant entrepreneurs in the urban economy in the Netherlands. In order to develop a solid assessment of...
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contrast, an increasing share of foreigners in the population does not conclusively impact on patent applications. Therefore, a …
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This discussion paper resulted in a chapter in (L.P. Dana (Ed.)) <I>Handbook of Research on Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship</I>, pp. 42-60, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007.<P> Co-ethnic employment refers to the stylised fact of many labour markets that there is an over-representation of workers of the same...</p></i>
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The number of immigrants across the world has doubled since 1980. The estimates of the impact of immigration on wages and employment in host countries are quantitatively small but vary widely. We use meta-regression analysis to show how the estimates vary with definitions of the labor market,...
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