Showing 31 - 40 of 91
This paper proposes a new model-averaging method, called the Heteroskedasticity-Robust Cp (HRCp) method, for linear regression models with heteroskedastic errors. We provide a feasible form of the Mallows' Cp-like criterion for choosing the weighting vector for averaging. Under some regularity...
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This online appendix includes supplemental materials for "Network-motivated Lending Decisions: A Rationale for Forbearance Lending'' by Ogura, Okui, and Saito. Online Appendix 1 contains the proofs of the propositions. Online Appendix 2 presents a numerical example for the theoretical model....
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In this study, we examine how information provision affects the degree of overconfidence using an online experiment. The 4,210 experimental participants engaged in stock market prediction exercises were asked to evaluate their absolute and relative performance. We conducted a randomized...
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This paper considers linear panel data models with a grouped pattern of heterogeneity when the latent group membership structure and/or the values of slope coefficients change at a break point. We propose a least squares approach to jointly estimate the break point, group membership structure,...
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We propose an econometric procedure to test for the presence of overconfidence using data collected by ranking experiments. Our approach applies the techniques from the moment inequality literature. Although a ranking experiment is a typical way to collect data for the analysis of...
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This paper develops a new model and estimation procedure for panel data that allows us to identify heterogeneous structural breaks. We model individual heterogeneity using a grouped pattern. For each group, we allow common structural breaks in the coefficients. However, the number, timing, and...
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An important reason for analyzing panel data is to observe the dynamic nature of an economic variable separately from its time-invariant unobserved heterogeneity. This paper examines how to estimate the autocovariances of a variable separately from its time-invariant unobserved heterogeneity....
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This paper considers specification testing for instrumental variables estimation in the presence of many instruments. The test proposed is a modified version of the Sargan (1958, Econometrica 26(3): 393-415) test of overidentifying restrictions. The test statistic asymptotically follows the...
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This paper considers model averaging as a way to construct optimal instruments for the two-stage least squares (2SLS), limited information maximum likelihood (LIML), and Fuller estimators in the presence of many instruments. We propose averaging across least squares predictions of the endogenous...
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