Showing 166,371 - 166,380 of 211,868
the current account and depreciates the exchange rate. The rise in private savings and the fall in investment contribute …
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In this article we explore the impact of the euro adoption and the effect of the volatility of the real exchange rate on trade both on intra EMU trade and on EMU trade with third countries. To this end, we use a large database covering 93% of world trade that includes 80 countries during the...
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The main purpose of this paper is to compare empirically four Value-at-Risk simulation methods, namely, the Variance- Covariance, the Historical Simulation, the Bootstrapping and the Monte Carlo. We tried to estimate the VaR associated to three currencies and four currency portfolios in the...
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NEER causes a decline in the CPI inflation rate of 0.132% and PPI inflation rate of 0.495%. The VAR model supports the … influence on CPI pass through, combined with the fact that appreciation diminishes inflation, suggests that the Chinese …
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This paper explores the impact of New Zealand’s exchange rate variability on the tradable sector, and policy options for dampening exchange rate variability. It finds that exchange rate variability in the medium term is likely to have a negative impact on the tradable sector. However, the link...
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We estimate the effect of exchange rate movements on firm-level wages, using a representative panel of manufacturing firms. We show that the direction and size of wage adjustment is shaped by the international exposure of each firm on both the sale and cost side of the balance sheet, similar to...
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This paper examines the nonlinear behavior and the fractional integration property of the US dollar/euro exchange rate over the period fromJanuary 1999 to August 2010 by extending the procedure of Peter M. Robinson (1994) to the case of nonlinearity. First, using the approach developed by Mehmet...
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This article assesses the impact of the inflation and interest rates on the exchange rates. The analysis tests the … relation between the inflation rate and the exchange rate by applying the Purchasing Power Parity Theory, while the relation … between the interest rate and the inflation rate is tested by applying the International Fisher Effect Theory. In order to …
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has enjoyed a more stable inflation despite all countries adopting similar macro-policies since early 1990s. …
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In this paper, we assume a world of two countries in a fixed exchange rate system. The main difference between the two countries lies in the features of their labor markets. In the home country, we assume the existence of a dual labor market, with formal and informal sectors. In the foreign...
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