Showing 24,651 - 24,660 of 24,852
Le marche des actions internationales connait une croissance tres rapide sous la poussee d'une avalanche de nouvelles emissions. Du cote de l'offre, les facteurs les plus importants qui expliquent cette croissance sont les programmes de privatisation en Europe, les restructurations des...
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We examine, both from a descriptive and a theoretical point of view, two of the most interesting particular features of the public interventions on the credit market in France: the insurance against default risk provided by a (partly) public agency (called SOFARIS) for the credit distributed to...
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Cette etude propose une methodologie d'evaluation des opportunites sectorielles boursieres. En partant du principe qu'il existe des relations stables de long terme entre les variations boursieres et les fondamentaux macroeconomiques ou sectoriels, tant reels que financiers, une modelisation des...
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Le modele de choix de portefeuille developpe et utilise a des fins de prevision par le pole epargne de FOE est elabore a partir de l'estimation de l'encours de chaque actif financier detenu par les menages par un modele a correction d'erreur sur la periode 1978-1995. En dehors des effets...
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Cette etude mesure l'impact des tendances financieres internationales sur l'evolution des marches peripheriques europeens. Une analyse en composantes principales sur series chronologiques permet d'identifier trois facteurs communs aux marches obligataires, actions et monetaires des Etats-Unis,...
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We characterize asset return linkages during periods of stress by an extremal dependence measure. Contrary to correlation analysis, this non-parametric measure is not predisposed towards the normal distribution and can account for non-linear relationships. Our estimates for the G-5 countries...
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We present a method for identifying and estimating the gains from trade in limit order markets and provide new empirical evidence that the limit order market is a good market design. The gains from trade in our model arise because traders have different valuations for the stock. We use...
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We model systemic risk in an interbank market. Banks face liquidity needs as consumers are uncertain about where they need to consume. Interbank credit lines allow banks to cope with these liquidity shocks while reducing the cost of maintaining reserves. However, the interbank market exposes the...
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This Paper is an exploration into the links between macroeconomics and finance as they affect the FOREX risk premium. SDF theory is used in which the factors are observable macroeconomic variables. Three SDF theories are compared: a benchmark model based on traditional tests of FOREX efficiency;...
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