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We study whether prices of traded options contain information about future extreme market events. Our option-implied conditional expectation of market loss due to tail events, or tail loss measure, predicts future market returns, magnitude, and probability of the market crashes, beyond and above...
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This paper shows that the risk-bearing capacity of U.S. securities brokers and dealers is a strong determinant of risk premia in commodity markets. Commodity derivatives are the principal instrument used by producers and consumers of commodities to hedge against commodity price risk....
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The term structure of equity return volatility fluctuates across time. It affects the term structure of equity returns … through the volatility feedback effect and explains the cyclicality of equity return term structure. By analysing the dividend … strip futures, this paper finds that volatility feedback effects of dividend strips exist and decrease with the horizon …
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factors such as jump and volatility risks, short-sale constraints, and stock lottery characteristics. It is also inconsistent …
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We propose a method for constructing an arbitrage-free multi-asset pricing model which is consistent with a set of observed single- and multi-asset derivative prices. The pricing model is constructed as a random mixture of N reference models, where the distribution of mixture weights is obtained...
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, such as the market excess return, size, book-to-market, momentum, liquidity, market volatility, and the variance risk …
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nature of the answer when the volatility differential is due to the systematic/priced risk. Here the difference in the … direction and magnitude of the net effect depends on the levels of asset beta and volatility and the moneyness and maturity of … nonlinear derivatives, one should pay attention to the source of volatility differential, and the sample range/mix of betas …
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underlying stock (asset) is subject to discontinuous market regime type of shifts in its mean or volatility whose risk can be …
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premium and Sharpe ratio, a high and clustered volatility, a rich time-variation of returns and a low and little volatile risk …
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returns. In this model, increases in volatility endogenously lead to decreasing stock prices. Our model explains the negative …
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