Showing 51 - 60 of 81
Turkish Abstract: Dünya çapındaki birçok rekabet hukuku rejimini ciddi şekilde etkileme potansiyeline sahip ABD Yatay Birleşmeler Rehberi, 19 Ağustos 2010 tarihi itibariyle ABD 'de yürürlüğe girmiştir. 1992 yılından günümüze kadar olan ABD yoğunlaşma rejimi uygulamasında...
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Turkish Abstract: 4054 Sayılı Rekabetin Korunması Hakkında Kanun'un, Rekabet Kurulu'nun kararlarına esas teşkil edebileceği ispat usullerine yönelik olarak açık ve kesin düzenlemelere bünyesinde yer vermemiş olması nedeniyle, meselenin farklı hukuk disiplinlerinin yerleşik...
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A range of legal regimes from employment law to corporate and securities law foresees a reduction or elimination of “enterprise liability” for organizations that can demonstrate the existence of “effective” internal compliance structures. The pervasiveness of corporate conduct codes and...
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The increasing use of sector inquiries by competition agencies, including the Turkish Competition Authority, is a result of the fact that sector inquiries reveal the competitive dynamics of a given sector much better than the traditional competition law enforcement means. Pursuant to its...
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Turkish Abstract: Teşebbüslerin internet ortamındaki faaliyetlerinin hızla yayılmasıyla birlikte, bu faaliyetlerde, rekabet hukuku ilke ve parametrelerini geleneksel yaklaşım yerine, daha esnek bir değerlendirmeyle ele alan uygulama yöntemlerini tercih etmenin doğru olup olmayacağı...
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Turkish Abstract: Rekabeti kısıtlama amacı taşıyan anlaşmalar, hem Türk rekabet hukuku hem de Avrupa Birliği (AB) rekabet hukuku mevzuatında yasaklanmaktadır. Bu türden anlaşmaların mevcudiyeti ortaya çıkarıldığında, rekabet otoritesi, ilgili anlaşmanın rekabet hukukunu...
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English Abstract: Compliance programs are an invaluable tool in preventing antitrust violations. Some argue that the increased risk of cartel discovery stemming from the implementation of leniency programs, which help competition authorities uncover cartels, already provides sufficient incentive...
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Leniency applicants take on significant risks by self-reporting behaviors that may constitute competition law violations.To balance these risks, the requirements for conditional immunity should be set fairly by competition authorities, particularly when it comes to revoking immunity. This...
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The prevalent use of ‘‘most favored nation'' (MFN) clauses in commercial agreements has garnered significant attention in the economics and legal literature and by practitioners and enforcement agencies. From an antitrust standpoint, there is a strong consensus that while MFN provisions can...
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With its more than a decade-long enforcement practice, Turkish competition law has undergone significant changes that could indicate a move towards converging with the European jurisdiction in many respects. In particular, the Turkish merger control regime has been introduced to a new...
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