Showing 21 - 30 of 5,993
Internationalisation for SMEs requires a cross-border communication strategy. This paper analyses the elements necessary for successful international communication management, namely: leadership, openness, concentration, immediacy and social media (forming, in German, the acronym "F.O.K.U.S.")....
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Are budget deficits bad for an economy? This question has perplexed economists for centuries. Essentially, there are three schools of thought on this matter. One school takes the position that deficits have adverse influence on inflation, interest rates and private investment. Also, as yearly...
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In recent decades a number of scientists and writers have suggested techniques which could be used to lower the temperature of the earth and thereby counteract man-made global warming. Such techniques are commonly called geoengineering: engineering the earth. The proposals have attracted a range...
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This paper examines a variety of approaches to the issue of Nile river Basin planning with a special reference to the model of The Permanent Joint Technical Commission of the Nile Waters between Sudan and Egypt (PJTC) and experiences from eleven Sub-Saharan African (SSA) River Basin...
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In recent years, there has been much debate about the need for intellectual property protection for fashion designs. Two bills introduced before the 111th Congress purported to provide a solution for this need. The Design Piracy Prohibition Act ("DPPA"), which was introduced in the House April...
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This paper work assesses the key aspects of a framework for research on revolutions. Our approach includes a heuristic based on an idea suggested by Marx in the 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte: "The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living." From this...
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Food waste is an interesting area to evaluate. Studies by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“USEPA”) revealed that 34 million tons of food was wasted in 2010. Food waste has a direct impact to a country’s economy, including environmental consequences. Substantial reduction...
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All too frequently, governments kill social movement leaders in an attempt to halt challenges to state power. Sometimes, such repression yields its intended effect; other times, it produces a powerful backlash, strengthening mass commitment and bolstering protest. In this article, we propose...
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This is my first published book: in December 1989; it was presented into the windows of the books-shops in Bucharest just on the days of the Romanian Revolution December 16-22, 1989, at the collapse of the communist regime. A new edition was launched just on the first days of the January 1990, under...
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In this paper, we show that God is portrayed in the Hebrew Bible and in the Rabbinic literature – the very Hebrew texts that influenced Judaism and Christianity – as One who can be argued with. He even changes his mind. There is something funny about the thought of arguing or disagreeing...
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