Showing 41 - 50 of 158,971
Harmonisierung der heterogenen Unternehmensteuern in Europa? Der vorliegende Pforzheimer Beitrag möchte für Europa einen Mittelweg der Harmonisierung der Besteuerung von Unternehmensgewinnen aufzeigen. Es geht um eine gemeinsame körperschaftsteuerliche Bemessungsgrundlage und ihre steuer- und...
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Harmonisierung der heterogenen Unternehmensteuern in Europa? Der vorliegende Pforzheimer Beitrag möchte für Europa einen Mittelweg der Harmonisierung der Besteuerung von Unternehmensgewinnen aufzeigen. Es geht um eine gemeinsame körperschaftsteuerliche Bemessungsgrundlage und ihre steuer- und...
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This contribution surveys theoretical analyses of tax evasion by firms. It uses a simple model in which the firm determines economic activity and the under-declaration of the tax base to integrate various approaches into a coherent analytical framework. Initially, the chapter characterises the...
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We exploit the 2017 US tax reform to learn about the tax-competitiveness of US multinational corporations (MNCs) relative to their international peers. Matching on the propensity score, we compare pairs of similar US and European firms listed on the S&P500 or StoxxEurope600 in a...
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We investigate the consequences of public disclosure of information from company income tax returns filed in Australia. Supporters of more disclosure argue that increased transparency will improve tax compliance, while opponents argue that it will divulge sensitive information that is, in many...
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Ensuring tax and transfer systems bring sufficient revenue to reach macroeconomic fiscal targets, address societal goals in re-distribution and social welfare, recognise the influence taxation has on businesses’ competitiveness and adequately address environmental externalities is a tough...
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Aggressive tax planning efforts of highly profitable multinational companies (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS)) have recently become the subject of intense public debate. As a response, several international initiatives and parties have called for more transparency in financial reporting,...
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The taxation of high-income earners is of importance to every country and is the subject of a considerable amount of recent academic research. Such high-income earners contribute substantial amounts of tax and generate signifi cant positive spillovers, but are also highly mobile: a 1% increase...
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This paper is analyzing tax morale in three selected European countries through the evaluation of the results of the European Values Study. The main aim is to identify the factors that influence taxpayers' decisions on the issue of whether they justify cheating on tax or not. The dependence and...
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We propose a model that captures tax avoidance as an investment under uncertainty: searching for tax loopholes or developing legal avoidance schemes is associated with costs; the tax benefit is however uncertain. Its height depends on whether or not the tax agency agrees with the chosen...
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