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This paper addresses the questions whether European mutual fund managers rely on sell-side analyst information with respect to their investment decisions and whether this behavior impacts fund performance. Based on a sample of over 4,300 European mutual funds and around 1.2 million portfolio...
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There is a substantial divide between evidence in the empirical literature and survey evidence in the financial press regarding the influence of sell-side analyst recommendations on the trading of mutual funds. While surveys of fund managers suggest that they assign little weight to analyst...
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This article investigates the sensitivity analysis of mean-variance portfolio holdings to changes in the upper bounds. The optimization problem studied in this paper is, thus, constrained by a restriction that no more than certain portion of wealth can be invested in any one security. Our...
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Purpose of this paper was to research portfolio optimization problem on Croatian capital market using Markowitz theory …
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The problem we address here is the replication of a bond benchmark when only a fraction of the portfolio is invested for the replication. Our methodology is based on a minimization of the tracking error subject to a set of constraints, namely (1) the fraction invested for the replication, (2) a...
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We solve the problem of optimal inventory management for a CARA market-maker who faces proportional transaction costs and marking to market. Our model accommodates inventory shocks following an arbitrary compound Poisson process, and allows us to link the optimal policy to the moment-generating...
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An essential element of any realistic investment portfolio selection is the consideration of transaction costs. Our purpose, in this paper, is to determine the maximum return and the corresponding number of securities to buy giving such return, whenever practical constraints features related to...
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Risk forecasting is crucial for informed investment decision-making. Moreover, the salience of investment risk increases during economically uncertain times. In this paper, we study how sell-side analysts form expectations of firm risk, under different macroeconomic conditions (low versus high...
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I study security analysts' early forecasts. Forecasts with over one-year horizons constitute nearly one-half of all analysts' forecasts. I find that the demand for early forecasts is driven by long-term institutional investors and that analyst skills and resources are more important for...
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