Showing 81 - 90 of 47,860
The implementation and expansion of internet networks around the world had a huge impact on the development of the social-welfare of citizens, where the attendance of internet networks are present, and especially on the development of the economic environment at a local, regional and national...
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The interest of the Fourth Industrial Revolution spurred by the German Industry 4.0 has sharply increased in developed countries such as the United States, Japan, Korea and so on. The Japanese government officially considers the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” as one of main new growth...
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Although many economists do a serious and respectable work, main stream economic theory contains an almost complete disregard for the importance of social, cultural and political structures which are the very foundation of the society. Worse than that, such disregard is developed into arrogance...
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This paper develops a simple and practical framework for characterizing (long-run) economic growth and fluid capital accumulation under shifting technological change. The framework specifies a technological change that depends on exogenous and endogenous factors as well as the interaction...
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Die Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über die Analytik, Ontologie und die theoretischen Schlüsselkonzepte der Evolutionsökonomie. Zentraler Erkenntnisgegenstand der Evolutionsökonomie ist das Wachstum und die Koordination ökonomisch relevanten Wissens. Im Rahmen des dargestellten einheitlichen...
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The extent to which fixed factors of production such as land constrain per-capita income growth has been a widely discussed topic in economics since at least Malthus (1798). Whether fixed factors limit growth depends crucially on two variables: the substitutability of fixed factors in...
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Hungarian Abstract: Napjainkban egy egyetem jelenléte számos dimenzió mentén hozzáadott értéket teremt abban a térségben, ahol működik, és egyre inkább előtérbe kerül az a felismerés, hogy helyi gazdaságfejlesztésre gyakorolt hatása számottevő. Ez a jelenség egyre nagyobb...
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It is a triumph of technology and of economics that our computer chips are so universal. Countless applications are only possible because of the staggering variety of calculations that modern chips can compute. But, this was not always the case. Computers used to be specialized, doing only...
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Novelty is a basic requirement of patent law. An inventor cannot obtain a patent if the invention exists in the “prior art,” a term that generally refers to knowledge and technology already in the public domain. Interestingly, an earlier-filed patent document qualifies as prior art as of its...
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Milton Friedman once argued that profits are the chief purpose of business. Profits do matter, but today we know more about how business contributes to society. Good firms bring innovation to the marketplace, which facilitates their growth. Innovative, growing firms generate economic growth and...
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