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Business companies are often faced with unusual situations that are not regulated by law. In particular, what should be done in case when the quantity of candidates who have earned more than 50% of the votes from the Meeting participants exceeds the quantitative composition of the body of a...
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In work the methodology of strategic management of the value of the company taking into account risks of the realized projects is offered. New measures of risks of projects, such as VaR of the project, ES project, marginal VaR of the project and cost of VaR of the project are considered and...
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The theory of cost of capital (long-term) assets [Sharpe, 1964, Lintner, 1965, Mossin, 1966] based on G. Markovits's model [Markovitz, 1952,1059], for many years forms base for estimated calculations in the investment analysis and corporate finance. But it implicitly means an assumption that the...
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When forming an investment portfolio there are two effects influencing its not systematic risk. And if the first of them – diversification – is well studied, the second – an inequality of specific risk of components of a portfolio – remained on the periphery. In works and by the...
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Russian Abstract: В данной работе мы исследуем проблему взаимоотношений между государством и компаниями, деятельность которых дотируется правительством, с учетом...
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Russian Abstract: При составлении контракта, для сторон часто невозможно учесть и указать в контракте всевозможные непредвиденные обстоятельства. В частности, стороны...
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When drafting a contract, it is often impossible for the parties to consider and specify in the contract all kinds of unforeseen circumstances. In particular, the parties may not be able to provide a detailed description of the global situation so that the outsiders (courts) could later verify...
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Die Dynamische Finanzanalyse (DFA) hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren zu einemwichtigen Instrument zur Analyse der Finanzlage eines Versicherungsunternehmens entwickelt.Trotz der zunehmenden Verbreitung der DFA in der Praxis und zahlreicher Abhandlungenin der wissenschaftlichen Literatur gibt es...
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The aim of this paper is to study the influence of nonlinear dependencies on a nonlifeinsurers risk and return profile. To achieve this, we integrate several copulamodels in a dynamic financial analysis (DFA) framework and conduct numericaltests within a simulation study. We also test several...
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