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We create a market-wide measure of dispersion in options investors' expectations by aggregating across all stocks the dispersion in trading volume across moneynesses (DISP). DISP exhibits strong negative predictive power for future market returns and its information content is not subsumed by...
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-return volatility. The optimal risky asset position exhibits a negative hedging demand that is hump-shaped in the return predictor. Its … magnitude is larger when uncertainty increases, but smaller when stock-return volatility increases. We test and find empirical …
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This paper provides global evidence supporting the hypothesis that expected return models are enhanced by the inclusion of variables that describe the evolution of book-to-market-changes in book value, changes in price, and net share issues. This conclusion is supported using data representing...
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We study an equilibrium asset pricing model with several Lucas (1978) trees subject to persistent distress events, where the agent has incomplete information about the state of an underlying common factor and learns from the events occurring to each tree. Contrary to similar asset pricing models...
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Recent studies find evidence in favour of return predictability, and argue that their positive findings result from their ability to capture expected returns. We assess the forecasting performance of two popular approaches to estimating expected equity returns, a dividend discount model (DDM)...
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This paper investigates the out-of-sample predictability of monthly market as well as size, value, and momentum premiums. We use a sample from each of the US and the Swiss stock markets between 1989 and 2007. Using the Swiss sample provides an important new perspective as the repeated evaluation...
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closely related with investors learning behavior and consistent with Veronesi (1999) theory. In the model, Veronesi shows that …
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This paper examines the predictive ability of several stock price ratios, stock return dispersion and distribution for individual firm level stock returns. Analysis typically focusses on market level returns, however, for the asset pricing model that underlies predictability to hold, firm-level...
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Long histories of returns are needed but often lacking when estimating the equity premium. This paper studies stock return predictability from the perspective of a Bayesian investor who has access to international data. Learning across countries arises whenever this investor believes that...
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We show that news stories contain information about economic linkages between firms and document that information diffuses slowly across linked stocks. Specifically, we identify linked stocks from co-mentions in news stories and find that linked stocks cross-predict one another's returns in the...
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